Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1995 — Other important legislation [ARTICLE]
Other important legislation
Supported by OHA S.B. 102 - Requires the Department of Education to establish a task force to study and make recommendations to the Legislature on establishing a single Hawaiian immersion campus system for all grades. S.B. 1698 / H.B. 2152 - Changes the composition of the OHA Board of Trustees by requiring that, of the nine board members, one board
member shall reside on the island of Moloka'i or Lana'i and represent Moloka'i and one member shall reside on the island of Kaua'i or Ni'ihau and represent Kaua'i. S.B. 1844 - Makes an appropriation for capitol improvement projects for the Department of Hawaiian Home
Lands. H.B. 1127 - Provides for the transportaion of puhlie school students participating in the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program. S.B. 596 - Establishes a home eonstruction and improvement loan program for the residents of Maunalaha (O'ahu). Authorizes the Department of Land and Natural Resources to eommenee discussion with OHA regarding
the transfer of the Maunalaha subdivision to OHA. S.B. 109 - Appropriates funds for an incremental as well as necessary infrastructure to plac<
Hawaiians on Hawaiian Home Lands. Opposed by OHA S.B. 75 / H.B. 131 Authorizes the exhange of 2.87 acres of private land for 5 parcels of puhlie land situated at Hanalei, Kaua'i for the expansion of Hanalei school. Held (Bills whieh will
carry over to session '96) H.B. 976 - Makes an appropriation for the Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council. H.B. 2071 - Requires OHA's pro rata share of ceded lands revenue be 20 percent of the puhlie land tmst revenues less 20 percent of the cost of capitol improvement projects. (See story pagel.)