Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 3, 1 March 1995 — '95 session hits high gear [ARTICLE]

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'95 session hits high gear

bv Patrick Johnston OHA's legislative team began its annual pilgrimage to the Legislature last month, giving testimony on issues ranging froin Hawaiian heath to the sale of ceded lands. The team, consisting of trustees A. Frenchy DeSoto, Abraham Aiona and Kīnau Kamali'i, is backed by OHA's government affairs office and staff from ali OHA divisions. At press time OHA had presented testimony on 102 bills. "Over 4,000 biils have been introduced to the Legislature this year," government affairs officer Scotty Bowman points out. "Of these, we see 1,789 as having some impact on the Hawaiian community. We're working to pass legislation that's advantageous to the community and block bills that hurt." OHA has sponsored 21 bills, 10

in the Senate and 1 1 in the House. Important legislation this year that OHA is supporting includes: H.B. 1551 Relating to the ceded lands trust Establishes a 10-year moratorium on the sale or exchange of ceded lands. Provides exceptions. Exempt from the moratorium are any legal exchanges or sales prior to the effective date of the act. S.B. 778 Relating to the Offiee of Hawaiian Affairs Clarifies that funds paid to OHA from the use of ceded lands are "trust" and not "special" funds. OHA is entitled to trust funds; special funds must be authorized by the Legislature as appropriations. Legislation OHA is opposing includes: H.B. 1690 Relating to the

Public Land Trust Requires the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to expend 20 percent of the revenues from the public land trust for the support of public schools and other publie educational institutions, the development of farm and home ownership, the making of public improvements, and the provision of lands for public use. Prohibits OHA from restricting the use of such revenues for the betterment of native Hawaiians only. Other important legislation this year involves compensating the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands for the use and misuse of Hawaiian home lands. As one of his last acts, former governor John Waihe'e signed an agreement reached between state and home lands representatives that would award $600 million to DHHL for past state abuses of continued on page 10


from page 1 the home lands trust. However, funding for the settlement has to be passed by the Legislature and the large sum of money involved _ has caused eoneem among some deficit-conscious legislators. The debate heated up last month when Hawaiian Homes Commission chairman Kali Watson said if DHHL did not receive the money, the department would sue the state, burden-

ing the government with costly court battles and clouding the title of thousands of acres of privately owned land. SeVeral bills have been introduced this session that address the • compensation issue and at press time were being heared at the committee level. For more Legislature information see page six.