Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1995 — Beneficiary requests more information regarding sovereignty plebiscite [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Beneficiary requests more information regarding sovereignty plebiscite

by Billie Beamer Trustee-at-Large

Maile Duvauchelle, beneficiary, has requested mueh needed information regarding the plebiscite. "I hope OHA will consider publishing this information in a way that any person ean compare the models to make a better ehoiee when we vote." She asks when will: Registration begin - January 17, 1995

Registration end - November 30, 1995 Ballot mailing begin - November 15, 1995 Plebiscite results be announced - January 17, 1996 Questions: Who votes? Prisoners (felons), loeal residents, Mainland and international non-tax paying Hawaiians. Will we be part of the USA, Hawai'i,

both? Depends on ehoiee. Who will count the votes? No one knows. Is there a minimum vote turnout require-

I ment or percentage to validate vote? Not that we know of. Who will ratify results? No answers. Who will validate voters? No answers. What if vote is "No"? Wait another 100 years. What if vote is "Yes"? Beware of the scoundrels. There has never been a hearing on any of these ' options for the qualified

Hawaiians. The apportionment format developed by the committee shorts 0'ahu's representation by 16 percent. HSEC is proposing 200 delegates for 146,000 census counted Hawaiians. Of course the plebiscite is important but not for the reasons cited. It is important because the Hawaiian resources have been misused by managers and gov-

emment. HSEC has planned a eonvention of 200 members. 730 Hawaiians per delegate. It will cost $10.000,000. The 1978 eonvention for 800,000 plus citizens was eomposed of only 102 delegates. Unfortunately the models

being discussed cause more fear than realism. The intemational model is ridiculous, who will be the head? the Minister? The state within a state would separate the people.

The n a t i o n within the nation is costly. Beware t h a t E s t a t e Hui types want us to be ignorant to eoncentrate on the w r o n g things. Notice that never

discussed are reparations, the resolution of the ceded lands and control of Hawaiian Home Lands, OHA, Kaho'olawe, or the Bankmpt Federal Programs (like Alu Like, Papa Ola Lōkahi, Canoe Building, etc.) need to create new trusts to control the lands, money and people. If the plebiscite fails, room is left for their own altematives. Ka Lāhui, Bumpy, Kekuni submit to the plebisciters who want a low tum out. Mālama Solomon our Hawaiian senator, introduced Senate Bill 783 to have Hawaiian Homes mn by the State, Bishop Estate, an appointee by the govemor, OHA and other members of the 'aihue robber barons. In the legislative process of setting

up new Bishop Estate for their own appointment as tmstees with million dollar salaries, we must be alert. lt is not only the commoner Hawaiians who don't vote, it is the aristocrats who

don't lend their intelligence and believe their social elitism sets them apart and it is the unthinking herdlike Hawaiians who need to have others make their minds for them. Be not foolish, leam as mueh as you ean about the plebiscite. Call 808-587-2834, 594-1872 or 521-2256. I will have two television shows on the issue that start in February and March. O'ahu Thursday, 1:30 ehannel 24, Saturdays at 8 p.m., plebiscite questions. Mondays, 8:00 ehannel 22, non-Hawaiian perspective toward sovereignty. Remember we are strong and survivors there is no need to act like victims. This is our land.

ISLAND HAWN % TOTAL 1 Man 1 Vote SEC IMan DIFF allott POPUL 146,000 Allocation lVote alloc. by HSEC HAWAII 23,120 15% 31 32 +1 OHA REG. 8.922 15% 39% REG. MALI 12,350 8% 16 19 +3 OHA REG 58% 10% LANAI 287 1% 1 5 +4 MOLOKAI 3,282 2% 4 9+5 NIIHAU 226 1% 1 5 +4 KAUAI 7,510 5% 10 14 +4 OHA REG 55% 6% OAHU 99,477 68% 133 111 -22 OHA REG. 44,579 67% 45% AMERICA ????? ???? ?????? 5