Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 3, 1 March 1995 — OHA's legislative package [ARTICLE]
OHA's legislative package
The following is a list of bills OHA has introduced into the Legislature for the 1995 legislative session. S.B. 776 - H.B. 1776 Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Clarifies that OHA trustee salaries be paid 50/50 from the general revenues of the state of Hawai'i and from OHA's trust funds. S.B. 775 - H.B. 1314 Relating to the trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Classifies trustees as elected officials. S.B. 778 - H.B. 1748 Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Clarifies that funds paid to OHA from use of ceded lands are "trust," not "special," funds. OHA is entitled to trust
funds; special funds must be authorized by the Legislature as appropriations. H.B. 1778 Relating to abandoned property. Provides that kuleana land escheats to OHA unless the person elaiming such an escheat files an affidavit in the Bureau of Conveyances no later than Dec. 31, 1996. S.B. 828 - H.B. 1313 Relating to homestead Ieases. Establishes a genealogy arbitration program within OHA to aid those with an interest, or presumed interest, in homestead lands (not Hawaiian Homes) created by ehapter 171 and commonly referred to as 999-year homestead leases. S.B. 1341 - H.B. 1729 Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
Housekeeping amendments to OHA's revenue bond bill. S.B. 1337 - H.B. 1781 Relating to the eompensation of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs officers and employees. Allows OHA trustees to adjust salaries of OHA officers and employees excluded from collective bargaining units 3, 4, and 13. S.B. 1338 - H.B. 1782 Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Appropriates funds to match trust funds being used for OHA salary adjustments and positions solely funded from trust funds. H.B. 1745 Relating to the preservation of the lands of the puhlie trust. Preserves the lands of the public trust. This bill will
also guarantee that the lands held in public trust will be held in perpetuity for the benefit of native Hawaiians and the general public. S.B. 1171 - H.B. 1780 Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. O H A ' s hiennium budget. For more information on these bills eall OHA at 594-1888.