Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1995 — Angry at Mainlanders' exclusion [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Angry at Mainlanders' exclusion

On behall of the Hawanan community-based organizations Polenekia Ho'ona'auao Kahua of San Diego and Ka Lāhui Hawai'i, Moku Honu, San Diego and Salt Lake City, we would like to strongly voice our opposition to (the Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council's) decision to omit the public hearing process from occurring on the continent regarding the forthcoming plebiscite vote. Laek of time and monies to conduct hearings on the continent is not an excuse to omit one-third of the Hawaiian race from having a ehanee to voice their concerns, to give testimony on the process, or to oppose the eoncept itself. At the least, it indicates inadequate planning on the part of HSEC or a cynical political move on its part to limit the voices of opposition. We hope the latter is not the case. Even a feeble effort would have acknowledged the presence and importance of Hawaiians residing on the continent. The nucleus of any matter must be understood in order to render an intelligent decision. They have the right to be heard on an issue that will have tremendous impact on their future. Kilipaka Kawaihonu Nahili Ontai, Po'o Akakawai District, Moku Honu San Diego, CA Ali'i Joseph Kaihue, Po'o Lima Kōkua District, Moku Honu Salt Lake City, UT Ralph Kahalehau, Po'o Las Vegas, NV