Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1995 — Don't rush plebiscite [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Don't rush plebiscite
by Billie Beamer Trustee-at-Large Delay the plebiscite until we have established verifiable proof of a votcr's
Hawanan eligibility. NonHawaiian infiltration, reported by Lela Hubbard and eonfirmed by elections officials, seriously undermines the validity of our OHA eleetions. This kind of taint will inevitably birth a long delaying legal nightmare. The Hawaiian Sovereignty Election Commission
(HSEC) ot 20 appointed members is funded by the Legislature. lts OHA mandate is to conduct a plebiscite to determine the sovereignty preference of we Hawaiians. If the result is affirmative, a convention of delegates, for whieh they are requesting $10 million, is to be called.
If the result is no. the status quo will probably prevail. OHA was directed to fund half of HSEC's operating cost. Eaeh OHA trustee then, has a l/9th input to our
smgle votmg representative member on the eouneil. This plebiscite mandate to poll our inelinations creates a landmark threshold. Our responsibility is to proceed with impeccable integrity to best represent ourselves and our choices. No more s1oppy, hasty
and shabby operations. We have the Hawaiian talent to do otherwise. HSEC decisions cannot be decided by a reclusive eouneil. Public hearings must be held for input via the accessible electronic media. The attitude that we might as well rush through the plebiscite just to be
aoing something before we have thoroughly prepared ourselves for such an irreversible critieal decision is alarmingly nearsighted. Onee made, our decision cannot be rescinded.
Future efforts will be irreparably damaged. HSEC's first order is to address the voter eligibility. Because of its permanent value, we must use experts to create proof of qualifcation. • Every organization or entity clarifies the eligibility of its membership qualification at the outset. • The minimum qualification of any quantum of Hawaiian ean be easily established by registering Hawaiians and issuing identification verification cards. • HSEC ean incorporate the OHA Operation 'Ohana I.D. program establishcd five years ago. • The excuse that it is too costly to register eligibility may be "penny wise and pound foolish." The cost to merge the existing 71,000 voters with existing records is minimal given its long-term use and value. Records from: Hawaiian home lands records; Mormon genealogieal records; health surveillance records; census data; Alu Like genealogical record bank; Ka Lāhui. and every other sovereignty group; and various 'ohana or society records, will leave but a few genealogies to trace from scratch. • Imprinted social security numbers will preclude duplication. • Codes could defme 50% cardholders. • This 'ohana card will be usable for every Hawaiian program requiring registration and as an I.D. for any benefit. Even if the plebiscite results are no, there are still benefits available to Hawaiians.
Onee certified, a card holder then need only show his card to vote, or to run as a eon-eon delegate, step two in the plebiscite agenda. Descendants of card holders will all be automatically assured of their Hawaiian verification thereafter. • If some programs require a greater qualifying quantum, this card is the beginning verification step. The greater value is that the effort ean mobilizae all Hawaiians for an unprecedented unified 'ohana effort. • A massive registration of memberships in civic clubs, golf clubs, family 'ohanas will bring us together. • Volunteers ean set up registration booths at supermarkets, malls, fast food operations. • OHA Iiaisons ean organize the neighbor islands. • Other ideas ean be added. Thereafter, every Hawaiian family will sport a bumper sticker saying I am a registered bona fide Hawaiian and carry an 'ohana card of infinite worth. We also don't have to rediscover the wheel; we have a just-retired Hawaiian who is an elections expert in Raymond Pua. Let us contract his services to set up the statewide operation first. OHA has the computer data bank setup from whieh the expanded procedures to accommodate the total registration ean be housed. lt is all very exciting and possible. Anyone caring to volunteer in this effort please eall me at OHA at 5941872.