Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1995 — Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
OHA meetings to be cablecast Meetings of the OHA Board of Trustees will be cablecast on a regular basis beginning this month. The program will appear on "Views," 'Olelo public access ehannel 24 on O'ahu (ehannel 21 in Hawai'i Kai) and also on neighbor island public access channels. Oheek loeal listings for dates and times.
Part Time Position Available for Endowment Fund Specialist Hawai'i Community Foundation has two part time, time limited positions open for its Changing Communities/Diverse Needs project. The project's goal is to increase the Foundation's outreach into the Hawaiian and Filipino communities. We are looking for someone interested in helping the community foundation to identify potential donors and solicit major charitable contributions for the benefit of the Hawaiian and Filipino communities. Job Qualifications: • Mature • Leadership experience in the Hawaiian or Filipino communities • Fund raising or estate planning experience • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to speak before groups • Good writing skills A\i ' If you are interested, please send a letter and resume by February 10th to: Hll Jane R. Smith, President H|| Hawai'i Community Foundation ^Ug||§§ 222 Merchant Street HAWAII Honolulu,HI 96813 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION For more information, eall Jane or Diane at 537-6333.