Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1995 — Colburn named OHA's deputy administrator [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Colburn named OHA's deputy administrator

Christine van Bergeijk named acting eeonomie development officer

by Ellen Blomquist Linda Colburn, Office of Hawaiian Affairs eeonomie development officer, has been named OHA's deputy administrator in charge of programs. The appointment was made in December by OHA administrator Dante Carpenter and affirmed by the Board of Trustees Jan. 3. Current deputy Sesnita Moepono will oversee OHA's operational

offices. Carpenter said, "The present

organizational structure may have worked well in the past, but it's not been able to meet OHA's p r e s e n t demands or

future responsibilities." He noted the growth in

employees, the growth of OHA's endowment, anel the corresponding demands made on the organization for services and response. "With this structure," Carpenter said, "OHA ean keep up with the major changes of the last two years and be more responsive and accountable to the Board as well as our beneficiaries." In addition to administering OHA's divisions - eeonomie development, education, health

and human services, housing, and land - Colburn will handle issues such as increased collaboration with Hawaiian agencies and enhanced community development. A graduate of Kamehameha Schools and Lewis and Clark College in Oregon, Colburn has been OHA's eeonomie development officer since 1989. In that time, OHA's Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund has grown from $3 million to $9 million. She has been instrumental in developing and sustaining OHA's

communitybased eeonomie development initiative and in laying the groundwork for a community development financial institution.

Prior to coming to OHA, Colbum was executive director of 'Āina Kūpa'a O Mā'ili ine., and project manager of Mā'ili Housing Project. She worked previously as project coordinator for the Hawaiian Business Development Project, as an eeonomie development specialist with Alu Like ine., and as a eon-

sultant to several businesses and projects. Colbum also serves as chair of the Hawai'i Allianee for Community-Based Eeonomie Development and is the former chair of the City and County of Honolulu Commission on the Status of Women. Moepono, who will oversee the culture, fiscal, government affairs, planning and public information offices, said, "I weleome the addition of Linda Colburn to our administrative team. Her combination of experience and skills will provide a valuable complement to our work." In accepting the appointment, Colburn said, "I am pleased and honored at the confidence vested in me and at the opportunity to help OHA fulfill its potential and its promise." OHA Administrator Dante Carpenter named Christine van Bergeijk acting eeonomie development officer. Previously an eeonomie development specialist, van Bergeijk has held pnneipal responsibility for the growth and development of community-based eeonomie development initiatives. She will serve as acting officer until a permanent one is named.

Linda Colburn

Christine van Bergeijk