Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1995 — Hawaiian Businesses Direcfory now available [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hawaiian Businesses Direcfory now available
The Eeonomie Development division is pleased to announee that the recently released publication, Directory of Native Hawaiian Owned Businesses. is now available. free of charse, at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and island (iaison offices. If you are unable to Piek up a Directory at any of these locafions, please send a self-addressed stamped ($2.16 for 9 o z pk2.J 10 x 13 manila envelope. (Limit of one directory per individual.J For additional information. please eall 594-1888 or your respective island OHA office. Mahalo.