Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1995 — Fishermen unite [ARTICLE]
Fishermen unite
I invite all native Hawanan fishermen to join the Native Hawaiian Fishermen's Association. Presently, native Hawaiian fishennen cannot speak for lheir rights and have no laws protccting them. Fishing rights and regulations have been established by others and do not benefit us. We must unite to enhanee the power of our fishing rights. The Native Hawaiian Fishermen's Association will consist of fishermen from all islands and their families. Our organization will be similar to a union. Our goal is to recruit as many members as possible to ensure the power of our voice. Onee established, the association will create many jobs. We plan to furnish retirement and medical and dental benefits for our members. We hope to establish our own credit union and insurance company. Membership app!ications will be available at all OHA offices, on O'ahu and the neighbor islands. (OHA is not affiliated with this organization; it is just a distribution point.) We must begin to work together and address the issues that eoneem us all. I look forward to your support. Harold H. Meheula, Sr. President, Native Hawaiian Fishermen's Association