Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1995 — Financial workshop presented by Waimānalo Hawaiian Homes Assoc. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Financial workshop presented by Waimānalo Hawaiian Homes Assoc.

The Waimānalo Hawaiian Homes Association is presenting a financial workshop for residents of Hawaiian home lands Saturday, Feb. 18 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Blanche Pope School Cafeteria, 41-133 Huli St. in Waimānalo. The session will help you if you answer "yes" to any of the following questions: • Do you need help filling out a loan application? • Do you need to repair your roof or need a new roof? • Are you looking for a home improvement loan? • Are you wondering if you ean

get a loan to build a new house on homestead property? • Are you interested in personal loans or auto loans? The workshop will be coordinated by Wilson Kekoa Ho, Waimānalo Neighborhood Board member, and Dan Kelii, loan manager for the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. Representatives from commereial banks, savings banks, and mortgage companies will be available to help you apply for a loan. For more information, eall Lucy Akau at 259-5222 or Wilson Ho at 536-4388.