Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1995 — Kīwī Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian TV) [ARTICLE]
Kīwī Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian TV)
Teievision programs about nā mea Hawai'i are shown on cab!e eaeh month. Ihe state Department of Education's Distance Learning Technology Office airs programs about things Hawaiian on the foilowing education/publie access cable channels: O'ahu, Ohannel 26; llawai'i Kai. Channel 3; Hilo, Channel 2; Kona, Channel 7; Maui, Channel 8; Lahaina, Channel 24; Moloka'i and Lāna'i, Channel 8; Kaua'i, Channel 10. Offerings for January include:
10-11 a.m. Wed. Jan. 4 - "Today's Todays Maka'āinana: A Fisherman & a Farmer," tracing the lifestyles and tools of these important enterprises. (20 min.) 8 - 9 p.m. Wed. Jan. 18 - "Adult Hawaiian Language," a iive eall-in show focusing on everyday vocabulary and sentences. 10-11 a.m Sat. Jan. 7 - "Pae i ka Nalu," demonstrating the sport of he'e nalu and tracing surfing's history. For a eompiele program listing, eall 733-4777.