Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 12, 1 November 1994 — OHA Update [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Update
Revised business directory
A revised Directory of Native Hawaiian Owned Businesses will be available for distribution in November. The revised listing comes in response to the growing community of native Hawaiian entrepreneurs and the success of the first directory published in 1992. Over 300 native Hawaiian-owned businesses. from wholesalers and retailers to contractors and restaurants, are listed in the directory. Companies are listed alphabetically, by island, and
according to their business grouping. A number of businesses and companies supported the development of the directory through paid advertisements.
The purpose of the directory is to promote native Hawaiian businesses and encourage them to network. The directory also has a resource section to help link the user with technieal management assistance programs throughout the state. For information about the directory eall OHA at 594-1888.