Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 10, 1 October 1994 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA Board Business

Na kuleana a ka Papa Kahu waiwai

ByDeborah Ward Editor

The OHA board convened on Sept. 15 at OHA's administrative headquarters in Honolulu. The meeting was chaired by Chairman Clayton Hee. Present were trustees Aiona, Akaka. Akana, DeSoto and Kealoha. Trustees Kamali'i, Kanahele and Keale were excused. The following actions were taken at the meeting: Public lnformation Office A motion carried to approve the expenditure of not more than $10,000 from Ka Wai Ola O OHA ad revenue to be used to defray shortfalls in FY 95 postage costs and the expense of air lifting the election issue. Administrative & Pinaneial Manual of Guides A motion carried to approve amendments to allow division officers to sign all documents necessary to encumber and/or expend funds in eonneehon with authorized travei. Funding request by Matthew Adotpho A motion carried to approve a request by Matthew Adolpho of Moloka'i for $4,461 to defray his expenses for training as an emergency medical technician at Kapi'olani Community College. He plans to return to serve his community. HFDC agreement, LeialiU project

A motion carried to affirm the agreement with HFDC regarding compensation for the ceded lands whieh comprise the Leiali'i housing project above Lahaina, with a disclaimer in principle that OHA\s agreement to the appraised value and OHA's receipt of 20 percent revenue from the Leiali'i project will not extinguish any other rights of the Hawaiian people to such lands. lMnd acquisitions The board voted to continue negotiations to acquire the land under the Waikīkl Yacht CIub, with the previously mentioned disclaimer also incorporated in the motion. The board further voted to hire a consultant to conduct a survey and study of land at Sand Island in eonneelion with intent to acquire the nearly 7-acre site. The board also approved a motion of intent to acquire Hāmākua Plantation lands subject to a "due diligence" study of the property, i.e., to consider any environmental problems, easements, ownership and other matters. Grant approvals The board voted to approve a total of $ 1 .06 million in grant awards under OHA's grant, subsidies and purchase of service program. (Editor's note: the next business meeting of the board was scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 27 at 10 a.m. at Kala'iakamanu Hou Church, at Kaunakakai, Moloka'i.)