Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1994 — OHA gets community input on budget [ARTICLE]
OHA gets community input on budget
The foliowing are suggestions made at community budget meetings held across the state last month. The highlighted text represents suggestions that groups considered to be the highest priority. The numbers represent the the votes participants gave in support of a particular suggestion.
Issues and concerns: ( 1 1 Increase funding for CBED so Hawaiians ean get funding Open up ceded iands for housing (71 More work training programs: on-the-job training; help secure jobs; above minimum wage (4| Communica(e with all agencies to increase funds for education - coordination to prevent duplication (w/DHHL, ALI, KSBE ). (3) Projects for adolescent (mental health & substance abuse) whieh meet needs (culturally appropriate) (4) Establish communitv based Hawaiian education and culture centers. (3) Establish vouth mental health centers and specialize in certain disabilities. (5) Programs to provide Hawaiian communities with self-advocacy skills - i.e. government participation (2) Total education program - lifelong learning -
"womb to tomb"; i.e. community-based educational programs whieh provide life-long learning activities. (2) Access to state and county jobs (priority first to those who live in county) (1) Fund planner position in Office of Hawaiian Health (6) Concern ahout blood quantum of clients - use funds to address problem of blood quantum Complete Hawaiian master plan. Support coordination and follow-up of current services in health, education, human services, etc. (for information and referrai) Fund pu'uhonua on eaeh island to rehabiiitate prisoners. (determine and use what was imponanl before in ancient Hawaii) Sensitize OHA staff in protocol and interaction with puhlie. (1) Provide more funds for kūpuna programs. (4) Provide more assistance for Hawaiians to go to college (books, tuition, etc.)
Increase funds for houseiess Hawaiians without credit restrictions. (1) Increase funding for native Hawaiian businesses. Job security. (3) Provide funds to evaluate Office of Hawaiian Heahh Program in Department of Heahh. (1) Standardize means of quantum validation for grant, programs. etc. (1) Focus on implementing Hui Imi's recommendations. (2) Increa.se youth and family oriented programs. (6) Communitv development; empowerment; advocacy skills development; community needs assessment. Establish nationaI heahh program at no cost for all Hawaiians that are inclusive of other programs (Queen's, QLCC, Offtce of Hawaiian health, etc.), OHA to fund gap areas. (4) Decentralize OHA; offices and services on eaeh
island. (1) OHA to clarify where to plaee ALI's funding (apart from Health and Human Services). Support authoring and publication of books and articles that impact Hawaiian issues. (1) Fund the education of Hawaiians on the availability of programs and services; blood quantum issue; put information in Ka Wai Ola O OHA. (2) Increase truly affordable housing for Hawaiians. Direct fund service providers; eliminale administrative costs. lncrease funding for entrepreneurial training. (2) Work with DHHL to encourage increase of neighbor island staff (legislative action, use of ceded lands revenues; decentralize DHHL) Explore creative funding for more monies to Hawaiians. (1) Hiring preference to Hawaiians on an equal basis (cultural sensitivity).
Agency Issues and Concerns ( 1 ) Commit resources to support community development; eo-op w/DHHL or independent infrastructure ( water. etc). (7) Commit resources to support, facilitate & fund 14 priority areas of Hui Imi Recommendations for '95- '97 & fund/match federal funding for employment training programs (youth.adult) Funding constant/participation increasing lncrease percentage of funding for heallh services. ( I ) OHA allocate funds for match or ADM cost for eaeh of island heahh care systems. ( I ) OHA set aside funds for grant applications for healih system programs. ( I ) Model offered by HAMMES be used to calcuiate heallh systems allocations by island- / statcwide (Not equally divided) (see "Funding Hui Mālama Ola o Nā 'Ōiwi."). (3) Schedule more ADM meetings for budget and legislative matters. Increase community/agency eommuniealion: i.e., collaborate w/HSIA agencies to support improved communication w/eommuni(ies (HSIA Team Effort). Wants to see OHA trustees take the iead to bring together policy
makers of all Hawaiian service agencies to engage in collaborative efforts. Commit to collaborate princip!es using (MOA, MOU, etc.). !mprove notification process/procedure to tyEstabiish/maintain mailing list (i.e. HCC. Homestead Assn.). Explore ways to develop programs to address priority health issues (health prevention/disease prevention). Update equipment and personnei support for neighbor island offices. (3) Improve effectiveness and response to communitv and beneficiaries. (1) Provide resources to support on-island community development and planning expertise for communities. (2) Provide budgetarv support for Hawaiian language immersion program. Wants OHA budget to support maintainence of a mulliple sight and travel for agencies on Ihe Big Island. OHA's budget shouId support various ways in educating the community to know more about sovereignty. OHA's budget should consider using more of its trusl funds for native Hawaiians in rural areas, like infra-
structure for HHL recipients, Wants OHA to target and conduct research and investigate heallh issues, i.e. adolescent health and dessiminate it to ail agencies.
(2) Wants to consider during its budget eva!uation leveraging/enhancing resources of existing successful service providers as part of OHA's strategy.
Issues and Concerns (9) Additional funds be made available for a land development project in Kona, in all traditional lands, funds for research i.e. Kahalu'u Park. Kaua'i sites, all sites. (10) Preservation of current historic sites and shorelines. Developmenl of kahu"ship" for various Hawaiian land sites. Concentrate on Hawaiian youth studies. (10) Provide subsistence to Pūnana Leo. ( 1 ) Have additional Kamehameha Schools eampuses on the neighbor islands. Assistance in the process of EIS (Environmental Impact Statements) to eome back to the eommunity. Assistance/Communication re: EIS items, process for EIS lo eome back to the community and vice versa. (7) Funding for OHA to interact with other
Hawaiian organizations and to coordinate information (to beneficiaries). (6) 14-point Hui Imi report, implement priorities. (1) Legislative plan re: historic site preservation. (8) Provide self-help housing for unwed mothers. (1) More comprehensive assistance in developing loan fund applications. (5) Kona office to develop a community development room, volunteer program to assist Hawaiian programs for youth (keiki and 'ōpio). (1) Legislature to change island resident (OHA) trustee to be voted by island residents. (3) Employment - provide additional funding for support, leehnieal assistance for employment and training (i.e. NHRLF). Clearly define what is native Hawaiian. Education - equal pay for Hawaiian educator, criteria and curriculum detailed (and published).
Issues and Concerns
(4) Provide money to purchase 657 acres at $1,000 per acre from Dillingham and Donn Carlsmith - Miloli'i and acquire lands with good soil and water in other areas of the state. ( 1 ) Facilitate appropriate land swaps to enable or improve eeonomie viability. ( 1 ) Provide one position eaeh at Waimea for eommunity development planning, housing, home mortgages (three positions).
(3) Provide assistance to improve the understanding of rules and regs of DHHL and OHA. (11) OHA budget emphasize more on housing and education - refer to the first to priorites on the Hui Imi reccomendations list. Specifically housing and education of rural communities. Funding 14 of Hui Imi Recommendations for FY 95-97. OHA budget shouId tend to housing needs of all Hawaiians.
(3) Recommend a sister program like the housing $20 million at First Hawaiian Bank. Money to be put into another financial institution, to provide revolving loans for new housing construction on DHHL lots. (3) Assist accelerated DHHL awards to build houses on land lhat meet minimum county subdivsion approval and requirements & help HHL recipients in meeting minimum county building and development standards.
Resouces to meet unmet infrastructure requirements in Hawaiian homesteads, or assisting DHHL in find ingsolutions to this need. Need assistance in making programs more accessible to people in need for retraining, establish businesses, etc. Need programs that are more community-sensi-tive to communicate with people needing the.se services. OHA should look at leasing and then subleasing to the community for community development lands vacant due to sugar shutdown.
Agency Issues and Concerns Define OHA's role in education, engage in collaborative efforts to streamline services, long-range planning. (2) Burial identification statewide, prepare grounds for access ($) (concerns re: Kona airport site of ancestral burials). (3) Culture, art programs, in education for _voung children Historic sites - caves (Maui) not being cared for; documentation of caves coments and background. Research for data base for historic sites (2) Education - funds for after-school and summer programs. Land base - sense of plaee where language and art ean
occur. protocol. subsistence living. cultural practices, to host guests (mulhple big places); to leam. Hawaiian Center lo access all human services for housing (multi-service centers), food, burial, etc., sensitive to Hawaiian needs in Hawaiian way. (19) Hui 'Imi report, facilitate and fund implementations of 14 priority recommendations in coordinating multi-services, etc. Assistance for attorneys (Hawaiian), legal services and assistance referrals (develop data base). Legal services for all Hawaiians. Mentorship - role models in specific professional field areas. Education - cultural base programs be based on the "seal of approval" - cultural basis.
Education - expansion of early education - tutorial programs, all ages pre to aduit. (3) Cultural center - sense of plaee. environmental center, i.e. heaeh. (2) Hawaiian language - develop Hawaiian language center (non-institutional), bring in the best teachers. Culture and arts - guilds, need sense of plaee - land base. Hawaiian Homes - housing - linaneial assistance for all Hawaiians. Provide avenues for studenls to see Hawaiians current role models (i.e. other youths from same schoolfisland), self-esteem, laek of role models. Who's who in the Hawaiian community (to provide
role models). Land Title/Genealogy research center and staff for recIamation. Funds to increase current services - heahh programs without duplicating other services. OHA trustees bring other policy-makers together for principles of collaboration (among agencies). Toll-free number to communicate with OHA (i.e. Honolulu). (1) Housing - funding to assist Hawaiians with renovations, extension (people who already own homes), especially kūpuna. Eeonomie development - Hawaiians in business, more funding for revolving loan fund and technical assistance for businesses, community based eeonomie development.
LAHAINA Issues and Concerns (2) Culture center on all islands in the communities. (1) Help kānaka maoli pav their house mortgage. Leiali'i village get affondable housing - Hawaiians get priority for housing. Hawaiians access to land and water to grow taro. Seek restitution from feds for illegal overthrow of Hawaiian govemment. (2) Free, unlimited, comprehensive health care for all Hawaiians. (5) Ensure water rights for Hawaiians. (7) More support in protecting fisheries for Hawaiians from shoreline to 200 miles limit, i.e., exclusive eeonomie zone. (2) Provide funding for burial costs for families with financial difficulties. More funding for all Hawaiian progiams. Hire more grant writers to work for OHA for eaeh island. (3) Grant more funds to do geneology research. Establish Hawaiian radio station so all Hawaiians ean hear what's happening, etc. and access so ean respond.
i.e. board meetings (particular OHA functions). Heartbeat not only on O'ahu. Seek restitution from Department of Defense for the use of Kaho'olawe and for loss of its use. Resloration of native forests and eradicating exotics (non-native plants). (2) Aceess to inaccessible property in Honokōhau Valley. Help fund Hawaiian organizations. (2) Free drinking domestic water to all Hawaiians (no per-gallon charge). (5) Establish legal team on eaeh island Hawaiians ean access in all legal needs; i.e. land, civil. criminal cases. (1) Stop selline ceded lanuā, (2) Assist Kaho'olawe Island Reserve Commission with funds for their activities. (2) OHA should establish program to help Hawaiians not on homestead acquire, improve, extend, etc. their homes. (9) Do awav with blood quantum to promote lōkahi. Cultural centers to use resources from the land, to be environmentally safe; where Hawaiian values, culmre is taught and practices (arts, crafts, language, etc.).
(2) Hawaiian language instruction in all schools. Make it easier to access information for Hawaiian funding. (2) Invest monies into lands for community development projects, i.e. grow taro, ag. farms where Hawaiians ean go back to working on the land. (2) Eliminale property tax assessment for kūpuna. Assist disabled kānaka maoli. (2) Establish private schools on all islands just for Hawaiian children from kindergarten - college. (1) Establish Hawaiian owned banking institution. (1) Increa.se homes and Iands for Hawiians. (3) More monies for bigh school graduates to further education. (1) Assist in advocating for Hawaiians who are on DHHL wait list to determine status and what else needs to be done for placement on the land. (1) Assist farmers to acquire equipment. Establish a 1- 800 phone number. (2) Establish a Hawaiian business center for Hawaiians at rates thev ean afford.
(I) Ensure Hawaiians gathering and fishing rights, as well as beach access. (1) Preference and protection of accretion lands for Hawaiians. (1) Investigate how accretion of lands ean benefit Hawaiians. (I) Investigate status of water meters previously on property before development of subdivision. (1) Kaua'ula Valley: assist in providing utilities to families in valley and improving existing roads. (1) Pay eaeh Hawaiian a stipend on a regular basis. Keep an eye on Westpac. Revenues from sale of ceded iands to be returned to Hawaiians in areas where ceded }»>gjs werc so!d. Do not allow big companies to control water, e.g. Kapalua. (1) Stop adverse possession of Hawaiian lands. Convene/sponsor fishing conference with scholarships for Hawaiians. Send draft bill (Inouye's) to community. Send info to liasions so community ean help support and input.
Agency Issues and Concerns (2) Employment and job creation. (3) Health programs based on O'ahu, no resources on Moloka'i. Need funds to bring programs/services on Moloka'i based with existing Moloka'i agencies. Help existing providers like Lā'au. (1) Support all native Hawaiian activities, such as fishponds. Need more hands-on resources like grant writing workshops, and follow-ups. Need technical assistance to help groups pull their ideas together. to get off the ground, i.e. 501c(3) etc. ( 1 ) Offering support assistance in communitybased activities, taking a look at community needs, as they present themselves in the eommunity or how they want to address it. Reaffirm getting community support. Enabling the community to do what they want to do. Initiate collaborative effort among agencies, beyond networking. Fund a position, like a Linda Colbum to coalesce groups. BOT should take the Iead and the initiative in getting the policy-makers together to commit to this effort to look at Hawaiian service providers and to work toward collaboration to eliminate duplication and overlapping. Cultural centers (like the Marais) and it may be different on eaeh island. Need to convene and
develop a strategy on how to develop these eenters. (3) OHA to build Pūnana Leo and Hawaiian Immersion Program, take more advantage of trying to be more cooperative and strategic in utilizing the resources. Build self-esteem, culture, pride. Using Hawaiian language in dailv work. Require that state meet its obligations to promote Hawaiian language as the second official language in the state of Hawai'i. Raise public awareness of fact that Hawaiian is second official language of state. Support Hawaiian language by supporting curriculum deveiopment using Hawaiian. Increase number of instructors. (1) Increase availabilitv of technical assistance/training and financiai assistance to grass roots advocates to more successfuliy engage govt. and other systems around eommunity issues. Advocacy funds to support different types of activities recognizing different avenues of support. See OHA increa.se additionaI eeonomie development, beyond what OHA is doing now. Look at opportunities to link-up eeonomie
development projects, reinforcing or helping eaeh other, i.e. eo-op ag production in agriculture, marketing outlets, in mutuallv beneficial ways. Develop comprehensive network for goods, services, distribution, etc. for native Hawaiian entrepreneurs. Address problem of poi by building a certified kitchen for producing poi on Moloka'i. (7) Trustees adopt Hui Imi Report in its entirety, support facilitiate and fund recommendations in report, FY95-97: 1. early education; 2. housing: OHA, DHHL. Development corp (HFDC), multi-family dwelling, single parent, homeless, cooperate with DHHL to provide financing programs. (3) Culture: need for gathering, and ing(4) Employment, job creation and opportunities to move to higher level jobs, entreprenuership, high school and up, adult entreprenuers, Hawaiian business, small business, community development. (5) Medical: reserve fund for fed matching funds, (Papa Ola Lōkahi), support Office of Hawaiian Health, access to Hawaiian services. (6) Multi-service system: coordinate services among agencies, easier access and result in
greater utilization, allow svstems to connect. (7) Legal services: funding of legal services to Hawaiian less than 50 percent. (8) Provide a staff officer to work with the coalition as a facilitator, to identify, assess existing OHA programs that meet the goals of Hui 'Imi and to identify those goals of Hui Imi that may be similar to OHA's goals and recommend development of programs that may fulfill both goals. (1) Address kūpuna medical needs/housing. Priorities: continue programs that are currently funded. The suggestions on these pages were made at eommunity budget meetings held across the state last month. The Honoiuiu meeting was recorded on videotape and will be shown on cable television this month. For information on dates, times and ehannei, eali the OHA Public lnformation Office at 5941983.
COMMUNITY CENTER Issues and Concerns Funds lo provide expertise to assist deve!opment of Hawaiian businesses (more than existing programs). Prince Kūhiō Mall development for NH entrepreneurs, low interest rates, long term lease pay back. Changing NHRLF application criteria. Change rules for NHRLF, don't base on past credil history (6) HeaUh & Human Services - direct provider of health insurance - pay according to affordabilitv, health insurance services, additional monies from State of Hawai'i. (7) Private schools for Hawaiian students, including cuiture and Western (curriculum), drug free, safe, land include) spirituality. (2) Queen's HospitaJ - free heallh care (Lahaina example of Hawaiian care to Queen's Hospital).
Culture - native plants, fund projects to save plants, forest, and other ecosystems. (2) Culture (Maui) preserve swimming, ftshing. diving areas, cultural areas from sports related activities. Legislation for shoreline management, protection of eco-systems, reefs. Eeonomie development - explore further eeonomie development projects for Hawaiian benefīciaries. (5) Limit administrative cost to 20 percent of yearly budget. (3) Tax free travel on existing roads, highways, etc, in Hawai'i for Hawaiians (Hawaiians not to pay car tax). 9 Provide funds to provide housing for DHHL list and work with DHHL to provide other avenues to get people on land, i.e. infrastructure. OHA take aggtessive role in sovereignty (movement). 2 Employ and utilize native Hawaiians to provide ser-
vices, i.e. construction, other professional services. (13) Creation of bank for Hawaiians, creating our own rules for banking services and needs. Education - detach from KS/BE for scholarships. (1) Assist Paukukalo Hawaiian Homestead Association to acquire building from Nahonal Guard. Emphasis on loeal self-empowerment program: 5- to 10-year funding cycles, profit and non-profit organization, build administrative capacity. Change committee structure for Board of Trustees - Budget, Finance and Policy Committee to 5 trustees (votes) to pass out of committee. Legislation for sovereignty plates, lobby. OHA investigate Legislamre and fire them. OHA create office to provide services, i.e. computer usage, xeroxing, fax, etc„ community service center. Provide information via information specialist, options
available to Hawaiian community. Provide program/process for special needs Hawaiian children - transition to adults. (2) OHA receive lands for housing development for native Hawaiians negotiate iands for Hawaiians instead of receiving funds. Change law to allow native Hawaiians to vote regardless of citizenship (U.S„ state, etc.). (1) Funding to defray the cost of housing i.e. rent eontrol. Trustees should communicate directly to beneftciaries. (3) Provide for kūpuna on DHHL list regardless of costs. (4) Stop future sales of ceded and crown lands and investigate questionable transactions, maintain inventory of ceded and crown lands. Utilization of computers to provide communication directly to beneficiaries from trustees, including equipment and training„
Issues and Concerns (2) More entrepreneurship training Assist Pūnana Leo students with transportalion. More accessible/affordable housing loan programs. Education programs for alienated youth-partnership with Kamehameha School. Funds for culture excursions off-island. (1) More funding for programs that support lā'au lana'au. lnvesl in Hawaiian corporate business - centralize products (flowers, produce, etc.). Moloka'i elderly care facility. ( 1 ) Provide access of funds for medical care for elderly and young. (6) Increase grant funding for Hui Laulima AG projects.
lmprove accessibility to resource persons for: -grants -project development -organizational deveIopment (2) Increase NHRLF program for increase business expansion. Guidance counseling services for youth - establish sites - homesteads, townhall mtg. plaee - guidance counselor - nurse - rec specialist - child care (3) Community education funds on Hawaiian water rights. Increase resources to NHLC, eliminale ineome criteria for eligibility. (1) Support cultivation of lā'au for access to kūpuna and kāko'o - acquire or designate land Special training for substance abusers to help integrale and link them to lraining opportunities.
lncrea.se scholarship based on merit for middleineome students for college education. (2) Assist Hawaiian entrepreneurs to successfuly bid on projecls that require bidding. (1) Transportation funds for lā'au lapa'au for seminars and workshops. Fully equipped care homes and certified kitchens. (4) Funds for Prince Kūhiō Day activities on Moloka'i S- ■- -TJ, • w-. rr— ■" Appropriate funds for Moloka'i High School special events. (5) Explore construction of community-based Hawaiian schools. lncreasing budgetary commitment to education. Fund a program with Alu Like as a service provider to pay kūpuna that ean baby-sit for single parents to allow them to go to college during the day or night. Fund a Hawaiian leadership program on Moloka'i.
I (3) Fund a program to provided legal education on native and indigenous rights. lncrease funds for culture. OHA should build a building on DHHL land for their Honolulu office. Expand land base by land acquisition - buy Moloka'i Ranch to establish a sovereign nation on Moloka'i, free association or other independent nation model. (Ī5) A«fe BOT lo adopt recommendations in the Hui Imi report for FY95-97 and provide staff support to work on recommendations. Establish guidelines for tutorial programs in DOE, to ensure that the kids are tutored with Hawaiians, i.e. tapping Hawaiian agencies or resources. Exempting tutors from DOE certification, i.e„ kūpuna. Establish middle school concept, Ka Hui 'Ana Moloka'i. Teach kilohau statewide in middle school system.
Agency Issues and Concerns Use Hui 'Imi as a guidepost. Adopt the 14-point priority recommendations of the Hui 'lmi Report, OHA to support the adoption of the Hui 'lmi report as Phase I of the Hawaiian Master Plan and the establishment of a Hui 'Imi position to implemeni aelion to adopt Hui 'Imi recommendations. OIIA to create infrastructure of a multi-service system (i.e. co-location), including case management; construction of multi-service center for variety of activities (i.e. kūpuna, Pūnana Leo, ail kinds. etc.) Provide funds for programs. etc. Agency Perspectives - provide money and suppon to
credible programs and existing entities and eoneentrate on health planning as it relates to the 'ohana and money for gap services. OHA to advocate community needs in collaboration and support position in state agencies to assist the Hawaiian community in services and to monitor ihe agencies. Advocate for services for gap group and reinforce successful providers. OHA to lake Uie lead to convene policy-makers from agencies serving Hawaiians including HSIA and Papa Ola Lōkahi, for the purpose to eommil to coIlaboralion principlcs lhrough MOA or MOUs. OHA reinforce Hawaiian values, i.e. bringing together 'ōpio and kūpuna (Lunalilo Home).
Issues and Concerns (1) Invest monies into tracking proposed development and alerting communities where development is proposed and share information re environmental impact statements and other studies that have been completed. (1) Continue funding support for NHLC. (1) Assist in establishing communication networks to insure community is apprised of all projects, proposed development, etc. in their commmunity. (1) Assist Lāna'i in developing plan that reflects what Hawaiians need in terms of lands set aside for HHI. on Lāna'i. Support Lāna'i in every way possible to insure quali- ■ ty of life for Hawaiians on Lāna'i (evictions, tenant rights, etc.). (3) Support and advocate for 5,000 acres request for HawaUan homes complete with infrastructure. More support for health - Ke Ola Hou. Training program for nurses on Lāna'i. Enforce conditions of protection of sites MOA with Lāna'i Co. and Lāna'i for sensible growth (1987 and 1990agreement). Attend archaeoIogical meetings on Lāna'i. (representation by OHA).
(3) Support for tutorial programs for Hawaiian ehildren. Need year-round tutorials for students. Expand aquaculture project to include lo'i project (after school project). Establish a Pūnana Leo program on Lana'i. Bring culture classes to Lāna'i, e.g. lā'au lapa'au. Need notices of meetings - i.e. posters to be posted, etc. (1) Fund position for Hawaiian program coordinator (with other agencies, e.g. HSIA) Advocate for QLCC to establish offīce on Lāna'i and immediately provide services. (1) Support identification of Hawaiians on Lāna'i (need to identify Hawaiians in the education system). Conduct a census on Lāna'i and Moloka'i. Support land-based CBED projects. Care of environment - retum of stewardship of conservahon lands to the Hawaiian people. (2) SoU and water conservation boards should include a community representative. (1) All boards, commissions, etc. should include eommunity representative.
Issues and Concerns (2) HawaUan language immersion program needs: l'ermanent site K-12; traasportation (buses Mākaha to Waiau, etc.) (4) Housing available for all Hawaiians. single family dwellings. DHHL list- hurry process put HawaUans on the land Hawaiian Culture Community Center - need a speciftc plaee More higher education programs - for people who work, course work available after hours; available funding specifically for part-time smdents, more fair funding criteria Wai'anae Heallh Academy at Leeward Community College offer more courses (3) Funding for housing loan program simUar to VA
- where OHA will guarantee a portion of the loan. (3) Fhysical plaee for culture exchange. Sense of plaee. Hawaiian., environment, pu'uhonua; 24-hour open with kahu. Get more people planling kalo push for sugar agricultural lands to be tumed back to kalo. (3) Land acquisition - program that will get back ceded lands for Hawaiian - especially for housing. (3) Funding for Kula Kaiapuni (immersion schools). (2) Funding for Hawaiian Language (intensive, transferrable college credit) on the Mainland. (2 ) To recruit and maintain Hawaiian language teachers for immersion and DOE (especially neighbor islands). (1 ) Develop a program for Hawaiians for eommuni-
ty based eeonomie development partnership with OHA (whole family involved, not just one person)(i.e„ shared business extended collective business ohana, hui, eo-op. (3) Change criteria in NHRLF, re: loan rejections from two to none; apply direct to NHRLF loan fund
regardless of rejections. (1) Provide world-wide Hawaiian language/culture workshops (3) Provide grants for children to attend private schools.
Issues and Concerns (4) Emphasis on Prevention Programs: provide support to ex-offenders to prevent re-entry - rehab programs; provide support programs for substance abuse. (2) OHA increase access availability to Ulu Pono Pre-School - like programs. (12) Increase emphasis on education for Hawaiians of all ages; provide assistance for upper graduate education - Master's & Ph.D.; increase budget for college education by grants and scholarships; strengthen efforts to support early childhood education; set-up joint education accounts and create joint investment accounts for education savings plan. Bring immersion programs instruction to A+ program with qualified language instructors. Outside-of-school activities for intermediate school students. (17) Expand services to NHLC to include quiet title and plaintiff action; help Hawaiian people retain control of their lands; provide legal support for less than 50 percent Hawaiians in
addressing their needs. Identify more federal grant opportunities: land development, eeonomie development, provide leehnieal assistancc for grant writing. Grants: liberalize OHA's grants program cligibility requirements. (7) Offer programs of home-ownership education, i.e., How to Buy a Home; program needed to provide training for home ownership and for proper use of equipment needed as a part of homeownership (i.e. tractors for clearing. carpentry tools etc.) on DHHL land and include younger family members. Create easier accessible housing financial assistance. (5) Protect and preserve water rights: formation of task force; advocacy efforts; community education. Increase amount of Hawaiian course work statewide. Set up a broad information and referral unit, where all things Hawaiian ean be identified, i.e. ASK2000. (1) Expand Housing Assistance for Hawaiians not on DHHL.
(6) Assistance for Child Care for working parents. Build a Day-Care center for Hawaiian parents and youngsters. (13) Hui 'Imi Recommendation - establish health service program (Office of Hawaiian Health); funding a position for Hui 'Imi Coordination of Recommendations. Adopt 14 Recommendations of Hui 'Imi Report. Increase OHA's commitment to health and human services in dollars and position resources. (14) Improve community communication : TV, radio, newspaper, flyers, posters; collaboration with DOE; community liaison. Resume broadcast of OHA BOT Meetings. Help community prepare for meetings with advanced notice and surveys. Improve use of signage in Hawaiian communities for OHA's communications. Go back to Basics & the purpose of OHA, remember Mission Statement; more opportunities to interact with Trustees to the Communities - work with community associations and organizations. (5) Assist in elderly housing development and
kūpuna care. Budget commitment for self-help and elderly housing. (3) Improve accountability and use of OHA resources: HeaUh and human services programs. Improve reporting of program activities to beneficiaries. Create enrollment program or service center to record Hawaiians - worldwide - increase awareness of program. Assist in creating community centers or gathering places. (1) Support empowerment of Hawaiian community: community development, community organizing. How to navigate the systems. Offer education programs like budgeting for families and individuals. Improve and simplify access to all of OHA's programs. (5) Collaborate with trade unions to create apprenticeship programs.
WAIMEA Issues and Concerns (1) Programforparentingskill. (5) Develop quick response team to address emergeneies (land. water, ele.) anei gaihering rights Be quicker in responding to land sales/acquisition. (15) Stop erosion of Native Hawaiian Land Trust including pertinent water rights hand-in-hand land and water. OHA to introduce hill on moratorium on sale of Hawaiian lands. ( 15) Hawaiian meeting plaee for all services - cultural center. Work to retum Hawaiian culture to its pmminenee - make Hawaiian culture supreme (Hawaiian music as a beginning), OHA/state agencies use Hawaiian music (with their phone system). Support of Hawaiian cultural spaces. ( 1 ) Provide scholarship funds for Hawaiian students with middle grade poim average merit. no ineome restrictions. (43) (AIl items listed here refer to Kaua'i and Ni'ihau.) Provide funds for a bus for families in the outlying areas. Funds for the Ni'ihau church, including building funds. Funds for hospital bills (Ni'ihau #1) funds for heahh insurance housing and auto insuranceKekaha for all the Ni'ihau families. Funds for five computers for Ni'ihau students at Kekaha. Funds to build a Ni'ihau shopping center, stores, cottage industry. Funds for Ni'ihau school on Kaua'L Vlonies for teachers Ni'ihau teachers for Kekaha School. Funds for Ni'ihau 'ohana to build homes and land to go wit h it. Pro\ide funds for Ni'ihau children for excursions to other islands (other than Kaua'i & Ni'ihau) including other polynesian islands (Aotearoa) specifically for ceded land dollars. Funds for Ni'ihau kumu (teachers) to go to Aotearoa (New Zealand) for training for Maori language immersion. ( 1 ) Funds for legal assistance in all areas. Condnuing education program for basic skills. Continue full funding for 'Aha 'Ōpio, 'Aha Kūpuna programs. (1) Develop health programs for Hawaiian people (services, workshops. etc.). (2) Deve!op an entrepreneur program, community based eeonomie development (grocery store, etc.), purchase
Kaua'i Resort. (3) Purchase prime lands and deveiop and sell or lease acquisition of lands on auelion. Increase of support of Hawaiian development corps. (13) To incrēase ceded lano revenu£S bevōīKi 20 pēfeenL OHA take a look at developing ceded lands for profit for nahve Hawaiiame (2 ) Review land tax on land for nahve Haw aiians. Develop a business area for Hawaiians (Le. business/shopping center. Hawaiian/ resort — AMFAC property. Review Kekaha area: agricultural lands sugar lands ; eommeieial land revenues; eheek sub-lease revenues. Help with Hawaiian Studies program on Kaua'i - (lobby for fuU-funding). More in-depth sovereignty education. Expand heath and human services throughout the eommunity and cooidinates services. (6) OHA should provide eaeh island with its own budget - do not have to compete with others for assistance (sel aside eaimark monies). Create a Hawaiian owned and managed financial insutuhon. Provide funds for housing and land for those who do not qualify for DHHL. Appienhee program - kahu hānai to develop leadership skills to include spiritual skills from keiki on up. Develop community planning training programs. Tutorial program, year-round for K-12. DHHL - Clarificauon on the reactivation of application status (lose plaee in "line" when reactivaiing appliealion). What is up w/ DHHL on Kekaha side? (4) Provide human services, need especially psychologieal support sensitive to the Hawaiian people. Develop multi-family/singie family homes, homeless and elder housing ophoas - include financing and development program. (1 ) Waiving of property tax requiremenLs for DHHL and Kuleana lands.. Develop 18 acres next to Kekaha Gardens for Hawaiians (do not have to be 50 peieenl). (1) County of Kaua'i - OHA actively pursue back payments from County. (6) Double eheek on AMFAC sale & monies owed re: ceded lands - did OHA get 20 percent: did OHA eonsent? OHA buy Kaua'i resort for classes, kahu hānai Call all Hawaiian organizations to meet and work together. More open/honest process for the leasing of any trust lands.
WAI'ĀHOLE Issues and Concerns (1) Funding for bus transportation for Kula Kaiapuni program (immersion schools). (3) Adopt Hui 'Imi recommendations. Enforce state constitution re Hawaiian language and culture. (2) Convene a meeting with HSIA and DOE to deve!op a plan of action to achieve teaching and learning Hawaiian for all residents of Hawai'i. (2) Establish culture centers; i.e. ahupua'a concept (areas for gathering, fishing, native plants, teaching, etc.); pu'uhonua for people; plaee where Hawaiians ean be Hawaiian and Hawaiian culture is practiced. (I) Substance abuse treatment programs for Hawaiians.
(1) Positive youth culturally relevant programs. Education programs for prisoners that are eulturally sensitive and all-inclusive - culture, substance abuse, voc. ed., etc. (3) Volunteer program for young Hawaiian people modeled after national volunteer program that includes community service (age 18-22) (youth work/volunteer for one year and receive stipend/scholarship at end of year) (1) Case management system - follow-up program for Hawaiian students under scholarship who drop out. (I) Hawaiian child welfare program - support - early teen pregnancy; child abuse. Establish communication teams in eommunity - 1 to 1 - face to face. Ask-2000 for Hawaiians.
ANAHOLA Issues and Concerns (6) Work to eiiminale blood quantum requirement. Perform study to clarify imp!ications/fairness of quantum driven allocations. Establish an owned and operated financial institution for Hawaiians - eliminate blood quantum requirements. Eliminale 50 percent blood quantum requirement. Research issue on how OHA ean best help all Hawaiians. Resources for job creation after graduation from school. (7) Support after-school reading program for tutorial math and reading for Hawaiian immersion. Educational support to develop educational expertise of our children. Providc financial assistance regardless of linaneial need. Provide eduealion scholarship for out-of-state students. Increase scholarships for gifted and all students to study abroad. Scholarships to support cultural arts - lomi lomi. Continued funding to support gifted Hawaiian children program - Na Pua No'eau. Pūnana Leo -program subsidies for tuition increase 100 percent tuition. (4) Increase Budgetary commitment for self-help housing up to $400,000 - $500,000 for next biennium. (13) Support drug rehab programs in Anahola. Establish a drug counseling program in Anahola. Culturally appropriate substance abuse pro-
grams for Hawaiian youth. OHA coilaborate with Anahola Youth Association on teenage drug prevention programs. (4) Increase financial commitment to education and culture and recreational programs. Finance - Emphasize more support immersion programs and dealing with Hawaiian culture. Increase alloealion and access to DOE kūpuna program. Make it possible for more youth to participate in Nā Pua No'eau program. Support Nā Pua No'eau self-esteem programs for youth. Continue supporting Alu Like's Anahola Kupuna Program. (14) Get all agencies serving Hawaiians together to implement collaboration & maximize ellleiency. Trustees take lead in getting all Hui Imi poli-cy-makers together to eommil to collaboration. OHA support Hui 'Imi 14 major recomntendations. Continue supporting Alu I.ike in OHA budget at present or higher lcvel, Hui Imi 14/39 recommendations. (7) OHA should support lcgislation whieh addresses drug dealer incarceration - not reduced penalties for drug dealers passed '94 legislative session. Improve eommuniealion to the eommunity. Make provisions for trustees to eome to Hawaiian communities. Future budget presentations "clearly" define miscellaneous appropriations. continued on page 13
Agency Issues and Concerns (2) Oenlal and vision services, health insurance coverage. Financial assistance to heip Hawaiians. especialiy kupuna to pay for medication. Funds for outreach counselling services from K-12 for career exploration and higher education. (1) Funds to provide upper level college courses on Kaua'i loeomplele B.A. (3) Funds to pay for correspondence course to coraplete high schnol requirements and other enrichinent programs. Funds for school supplies, books, K-college. Funds for books. tuition for courses thal fal I through the "cracks" - GED/correspondence cours-es/non-college certificate courses/welding courses, pre-apprenliceship. (13) Create a Hawaiian culture center on eaeh
island. lmplementation of single-point of access to services. improve services through interagency network of "Hui 'lmi" agencies. Use "Hui lmt" recommendations as phase one of the Hawaiian Master Plan as it relates lo coordination of services. Actively support Hawaiian-communitv developed projects Trustees should support "Hui Imi" report 14 recommendations. Hui Imi - OHA Trustees take role in convening all policy makers and negotiate a collective commitment to the principles of collaboration. Help youth to heeome competitive and keep culture values balanced. Centralize service compiex. (1) Finding and paying/loan for less-than-50-per-cent Hawaiian housing needs. (4) Create employment and eeonomie development opportunities on Kaua'i. Provide or facilitate marketing of products made by t'amilies. (Underground economy.) (5) Housing program targeting middle-class
families that earn too mueh for low ineome programs but not enough to pay for regular housing costs. Employmeni program for gap ineome youlh who don"i qualify for JTPA (i.e. summer youth employment program). Funds for assistance in paying union fees. (2) Develop (clearing house service) a pay-back svstem (brokeragcl via volunteer services system for those who receive donations, scholarships, etc. (positive community services sentencing program). (4) Quick-response land issue advocacy - eommunity problems; land issue advocate for native Hawaiians. (4) Monies for alternative learning programs from pre-school and up. Education: provide funds for alternative methods for basic skills prior to Ieaving lower ele-
mentary (K-3). Cultural spaces. Teen programs to prcvcnt teen pregnancy. DeveIop corps of tutors (Hawaiian) for high schooi students. Provide technical assistance. to Hawaiian groups to access money (grants). Create a Hawaiian financial institution. Housing. Rental assistance through a bartcr services time/skill payback. ldentify successful programs for replication, implement above. Money managemenl counsclors (one-on-one). Skills to Iearn white man's way.
Kaua'i community m©©tlnQ from page 12
(10) Include Anahola Youth Association. (9) Assist in developing cuitural site and lā'au garden and address drainage concerns. Increase availability of existing programs What is the status of the $20 million revolving loan fund with DHHL? ( 1 ) Aquaculture - establish a simplified method to access eeonomie development sources. (5) Group 7. Burial sites for Hawaiian Homestead Lessees on DHHL land - collaborate with DHHL and others. Obtain 'āina in Anahola for a school site. Funding for grassroots legislation efforts. Purchase cellular phones for liaisons (CRC) (1) Reduce administration budget by 50 percent and apply to elemen-
tary education. Compile p>erspective nominees for DHHL for the Govemor. OHA should facilitate creation of a non-profit for umbrella activities. (5) Improve the number of
Hawaiian lawyers and increase the availability of legal advocacy for young Hawaiians. (3) lncrease commitment to agriculture projects - ahupua'a, eooperatives.