Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 10, 1 October 1994 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
The io (Hawaiian Hawk) symbolizes the Hawaiian spirit to right the wrongs that began with the overthrow of the Hawaiian nahon in 1893. Unafraid and strong, the io is eapahle of soaring to great heights. Ihe centennial commemoration is past, but the struggle for justice continues. Establishment of OHA in 1978 was a first step. The U.S. apology to Native Hawaiians was another. Many more steps will be needed before justice truly is done. That's why we need your help and support. By working together, for eaeh other and for justice, we will prevail. 1 TO REBUILD A NAĪION POSTER ► I Full color 17 x 25 inches, printed on heavy I poster paper suitable for framing. Poster includes Hawaiian and English version of H "Hawai'i Pono'i," native Hawaiian H nahonal anthem. 91 ($6 eaeh, or two for $10) SOVEREIGNTY HAWAI'I VIDEO ^
I 11 H
15-minute color video explaining choices available to Hawaiians in pursuit of sovereignty. Produced by Juniroa Productions. Narrated by Kanoe Miller. See related story. VHS only. ($10 eaeh)
Please send me (indicate quantity of eaeh desired): To Rebuild A Nation Poster ($6 eaeh, two for $10) Sovereignty Hawai'i Video ($10 eaeh) Name Address Zip Daytime phone Enclosed is a eheek for $