Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 10, 1 October 1994 — Hui Kākoʻo seeking homestead applicants [ARTICLE]
Hui Kākoʻo seeking homestead applicants
Hawaiian homestead applicants on the waiting list, Hui Kāko'o is looking for you to take part in efforts to expedite the awarding of homestead lots and the development of homestead lands. Since this non-profit organization was formed in March this year to officially represent DHHL applicants, Hui Kāko'o island representatives have supported: • the transfer by the Office of State Planning of more than 16,000 acres of state land to DHHL; • work by the Hawaiian Home Lands Individual Claims Review Panel; • work by the independent representative for claims against the Hawaiian Home Lands trust; and • the Hawaiian Home Lands Recovery Act introduced by Sen. Daniel Akaka to restore homelands taken by the federal government. Executive director Hanale Kauhi said Hui Kāko'o members
are seeking to participate directly in the talks with the federal Department of the lnterior because they directly affect native Hawaiians. Kauhi called upon DHHL applicants on the wait list to become personally involved in finding out what is going on, and to take part in bringing about change to speed up the process of getting native Hawaiians on the land. "They need to eome out of their homes and join programs, participate at Hawaiian Homes Commission and OHA public meetings and in the Legislaure." Hui Kāko'o is seeking funds for two staff and to produce educational videos on the Hawaiian Homes applicant procedure and how to get ready for home ownership. For information on future meetings and to join Hui Kāko'o eall 259-7035 (O'ahu) or 871-7318 (Maui).