Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1994 — Our Readers Write [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Our Readers Write

Respect Hawaiian sites Non-Hawaiians should respect our heiau Recently, I took my 'ohana on a family excursion to Ulupō, Pu'u-o-Mahuka, and Keaiwa Heiau. It seems some misinformed Asians and others are using Hawaiian temples for their Oriental practices. On July 31, 1994 at noon, we were at Pu'u-o-Mahuka and about 10 Asians were burning incense sticks on the 'anu'u (altar), laying red ginger stalks. yellow mums and ti leaves taken from plants within the heiau. It was very disturbing. A group of other Hawaiians wanted to get physical. I was able to ealm them. When the Asians left, my family removed nearly 200 incense sticks in the heiau. lf Asians/Orientals do not know proper protocol at Hawaiian temples, they should leam. We have visited Oriental shrines, too. We do ask how to behave to show respect. To burn incense sticks, throw coins, break ti-leaves and other paraphernalia, desecrates these sacred sites. It is utterly sacrilegious. We try to share our culture with all who visit. The least they, visitor or resident of Oriental background could do is do likewise. Maybe we should start a program for Adopt-A-Heiau. With

the Hawaiian Renaissance, surely we could find someone to maintain our past for our future. S. Kaleionamoku Ocalvey Honolulu, Hawai'i