Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 9, 1 September 1994 — ʻOhana Reunions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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ʻOhana Reunions

A/a ohana e ho ohui ta ana

As a ser\'ice to <>ur readers. Ka Wai Ola O OHA publishes at no charge announcements of upeoming 'ohana reunions. Submissions should he typed or legibly printed and include only the basic information. such as date. time. loeation, events planned. contact person(s). and phone number(s). Due to space considerations we ean generally print notices only onee. Submissions must be received by the 8th day of the monlh preceding the issue in whieh the notice will appear. Mahukona Some members of the Mahukona family are looking for information and/or photos to complete the family tree. Relatives of this family go far back into the history of old Hawai'i. Archives ean help but many years are still missing. If anyone oui there was a Mahukona but moved to a different island or changed their last name. please contact us. Word has it that the Mahukona family is in the same bloodline as one of the Kamehamehas.

This family could have originated on either Maui. the Big Island or in Honolulu. If anyone has information or could help us out with this, it will be greatly appreciated. Call David A.K. Mahukona on O'ahu at 9468262 or 955-5629. Miller The descendants of Charles E. and Lydia Charman Miller (Kōloa, Kaua'i) are planning a reunion for June 24, 1995. For more information or to be put on a mailing list, eall Ann Hewett at 456-6046, Aurora Lee at 621-3040, or Roz Uneiano at 623-1766. Kalama The second lndian/Hawaiian Reunion is tentatively scheduled to be held in Kalama. Washington during July 1995. Any 'ohana and relatives wishing to attend may be added lo ihe mailing list and should send their name, address and phone number to William C. Moses, P.O. Box 550. Warm Springs, Oregon 97761, (503) 553-1891;

Cy Kalama, 1024 Ho'ole'a Pl., Kailua, HI 96734. (808) 2629732; or Edwarci Kalama. P.O. Box 911, Kamuela. H1 96743, .808) 885-4851.