Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1994 — S.M. Kamakau to be honored [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

S.M. Kamakau to be honored

The Hawai'i and Pacific section ol the Hawai'i State Library is interested in iocating any descendants ot Samuel Mānaiakalani Kamakau. in eonnection with plans to l ename the Hawai'i and Pacific room in his honor. According to "'Nā Kukui Pio'ole," a oiography by Maleolm Naea Chun, Kamakau was a great Hawaiian historian who also servea ms community as an outstanding writer, schol-

ar, jurist and legislator. Plans are to have a plaque or portrai installed during a public ceremony tentatively scheduled in late October. Persons knowing the loeahon of Kamakau descendants, or any individuals or organizations tha were instrumental in promotin| resolutions in his honor, are asked to eall Caroline Hurley a the iibrary at 586-3547 as soon as possible.