Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1994 — S.M. Kamakau to be honored [ARTICLE]
S.M. Kamakau to be honored
The Hawai'i and Pacific section ol the Hawai'i State Library is interested in iocating any descendants ot Samuel Mānaiakalani Kamakau. in eonnection with plans to l ename the Hawai'i and Pacific room in his honor. According to "'Nā Kukui Pio'ole," a oiography by Maleolm Naea Chun, Kamakau was a great Hawaiian historian who also servea ms community as an outstanding writer, schol-
ar, jurist and legislator. Plans are to have a plaque or portrai installed during a public ceremony tentatively scheduled in late October. Persons knowing the loeahon of Kamakau descendants, or any individuals or organizations tha were instrumental in promotin| resolutions in his honor, are asked to eall Caroline Hurley a the iibrary at 586-3547 as soon as possible.