Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1994 — He mau hanana [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

He mau hanana

/\ caienaar or events

Kepakemapa (September) through December "Turning Back the Sky / Kāhuli i ka Lani Mahope a Mamua," Bishop Museum exhibit focusing on the history. philosophy and astronomy of ancient Hawaiian voyagers. Work by 19 Hawaiian artists celebrates both the voyagers of eras past - such as the mythical explorer Maui - and the builders who made the voyages possible. Presented by Rocky Ka iouliokahihikolo'Ehu Jensen and Hale Naua III. Society of Hawaiian Arts. Admission is S7.95 for adults and 56.95 for ages 6-7. seniors. and military. Free lo children under 6 and museum members. Call 847-3511. 8 Pacific M riters Forum reading featunng presentations by Tongan novelist and short story writer Epeli Hau'ofa, novelist and short story writer Patricia Grace of Aotearoa/New Zealand. and Hawaiian poet and graphic artist Joe Balaz. 7-10 p.m.. East-West Center's Keoni Auditorium. Call 956-7067 or 944-7591.

8 "I ke kahi i ke kahi," presentation by Bishop Museum's Native Hawaiian Culture and Arts Program of community members who are perpetuating Hawaiian arts and traditions. This installment will feature Hawaiian lawyers in a discussion on the ways they use their knowledge to help the Hawaiian community. 7 p.m.. Bishop Museum's Atherton Hālau. Free. Call 847-8274. 9 Candidates' filing deadline for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustes election. 10 Hawai'i Nature Center hike from Mānoa Cliffs to Pu'u 'Ohi'a. Enjoy native plants and great views above Mānoa Valley. Family-rated, five miles in five hours. Cali 955-0100. 10 Night hike at Pu'u 'Ualaka'a State Park, Hawai'i Nature Center exploration of nocturnal animals, including star gazing and night games. 7-9 p.m. $3 for members, $5 for nonmembers. Reservations required - eall 9550100.

11 "He Ho'oilina o nā Mele (A Legacy of Songs)," concert featuring songs composed by Kupuna Katherine Kamalukukui Maunakea for Queen Lili'uokalani, Prince Kūhiō and Princess Kahanu. Featuring Peter Apo, Kawai Cockett, Leilani Mendez Sharpe, Leialoha Kalama and others. Proceeds will go ioward prizes in the annual Prince Kūhiō Song and Essay Contest ana lo send winners to Kūhiō's birthplace on Kaua'i. 12:30 p.m., Leeward Community College Theatre. Tickets 510 presale, $12 at the door: $5 for children under 12. Cal 1668-1965. 15-23 Woods of Hawai'i '94, woodworking competition and exhibit leaturing Hawaiian-grown woods. Woodworkers are expected to submit pieces ranging from fumiture to bowls to decorative items. Of interest to those interested in fine woodworking, Hawaiian wood products, architectural and mterior design. and Hawai'i's forests. Ala Moana Center exhibition center. Free. Call 523-6354. 17 Primary Election Day.

17 Springs of Makiki hike, Hawai'i Nature Center activity exploring the geology behmd the springs of Makiki, and discovery of remnants of old water projects at the headwaters. Easy 2.5-mile, 3-hour hike starts at 8:15 a.m. $3 for members, $5 for nonmembers. Reservations required - eall 9550100. 17 Lau hala weaving for beginners, Hawai'i Nature Center activity teaching about the wonders of the hala iree. Learn how to prepare leaves for plaiting and make a simple project with Eric Enos, founder of the Cultural Learning Center at Ka'ala. 1 p.m. 4 p.m. $3 for members, $5 foi nonmembers, plus m.aterials fee of $4. Reservations required - eall 955-0100. 21 "Shrines to Paradise," free multi-arts performance exploring the effect ol modern society on native cultures and of tourism on Hawai'i. Performance presented by the Hawai'i State Library on its lawn at the corner of Punchbowl and King Streets. 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Call 839-2907. 23 - Oct. 1 Kaua'i Mokihana Festival, weeklong festivai featuring eultural workshops, iectures, eontests, concerts. exhibits and more, sponsored oy the Garden Island Arts Council. Call 8222166 or 822-0426. 24 Taro Patch Party with the Hawai'i Nature Center, iearn about kaio and hs importance to Hawaiian culture. 9 a.m. - noon. $3 for members. $5 for nonmembers. Reservations required - eall 955-0100. 25 Hulihe'e Band Concert honoring Queen Lili'uokaiani (Lydia Kamaka'eha). 4 p.m. on the palace's oeean īānai in KailuaKona. Free. Presented by Daughters of Hawai'i. Call 3265634.

30 - Oct. 1 'Aha Kūpuna, OHA's seventh annual convocation of Hawaiian elders. The theme for this year's event is "I Ka 'Ōlelo ka Mana - In the Word there is Mana." In addition to workshops and seminars on topics from oral history and protocol to lomilomi and naku mele, the 'aha will continue to recognize Kūpuna Treasures, three awards denoting the esteem reserved for those who exemplify excellence in our culture. Pacific Beach Hotel, Waiklkl. Registration for kūpuna (Hawaiian grandparents or persons 55 and older) is $65 if paid by Sept. 15, and $75 thereafter. For more information, eall 637-91 18 or 594-1912.