Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1994 — Government belongs to the people: speak out! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Government belongs to the people: speak out!

by the Rev. Moses K. Keale, Sr. Trustee, Kaua'i & Ni'ihau How often have you felt deceived by govern-

ment or puone otriciais wno seem to be living one dream while you are faced with reality? I have often asked myself that question and wondered what could be done to change that terrible hurt I feel in my pu'uwai. We have often been told that "you can't fight City Hall," and we have convinced ourselves that this is true. Well. I don't believe it! It is not a matter of fishtin2 Citv Hall. it is a

matter of people giving up the right to govern themselves. I have noted that in today's world things happen not so mueh because of what the people do but what they don't do. Inaction by the people allows elected officials to do whatever they

feel is correct or beneficial to them. Government belongs to the people! You pay for it! It is supposed to provide the service you

aesire. ir u aoes not ao tms ana you allow it to continue, then you are to blame. How do you become effective? You voice your opinion ioudly, clearly, without fear and with determination! I thank you, nty friends, for the many phone calls and letters express- ! ing your views. Your messages are | encouraging and proof that you care J and support good government. I use I vour resDonses to auide mv decisions

not only in making policies. but what is pono for our Hawaiian people. A i mana'o kekahi e lilo i po'okela i waena o 'oukou, e pono nō e lilo i kauā na 'oukou. Na ke Akua e mālama a e alaka'i iā kākou a pau.