Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1994 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA Board Business

Na kuleana a ka Papa Kahu waiwai

by Deborah Ward The OHA board convened on Aug. 9 at the kaua'i Coconut Beach Resort in Kapa'a, Kaua'i. The following actions were taken at the meeting: Kuleana cases

Jhe board approved recommendations trom legal counsel to withdraw from the Kaopuiki and Pioneer Mill quiet title cases in order to allow the rightful parties to go forward with their elaim. Kuleana land law directs that such lands with no known heirs or takers revert to OHA; and that all quiet title cases whieh involve kuleana property must name OHA as a party to the action. FoIlowing this procedure OHA was named as a defendant in these separate cases. The board's action removes OHA from cases in whieh there are recognized heirs and allows rightful heirs to continue to clear their title to the property. Position on sovereignty The board voted to adopt a position statement regarding Native Hawaiian self-determination and the role of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. (See full story on page 4.) Honoring Margaret Maehaāo The board members adopted a resolution honoring lomilomi instructor Margaret Machado for her "outstanding achievement ... in reawakening interest in the healing art of Hawaiian lomilomi for more than 60 years." The resolution was presented to Machado following last month"s "Ho'omau I Ka Lomilomi Hawai'i" conference. Special Board Meeting Aug. 15 Trustees convened for a special board meeting on Monday, Aug. 15 at the OHA Honolulu office. Action was taken on the following ilems: Trial home mortgage program The trustees approved by a vote ot" 7 to 1 an innovaiive affordable housing program for Hawaiians offered to OHA by Castle & Cooke and supported b\ First Hawaiian Bank. (See full story on page 1.) Hui Imi A request from member agencies of the Hui Imi Task Force on Hawaīian Services was referred back to the OHA Heahh and Human Scrvices committee.