Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 9, 1 September 1994 — and empower native Hawaiians [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
and empower native Hawaiians
Stories by Patrick Johnston and Jeff Clark Featured on these two pages are afew of the 28 community projects, totaling $753,549, that the Ojfice of Hawaiian Ajfairs funded this pastfiscal year. They are part of the first round ofgrants approved hy the Board ofTrustees since implementing the office's grants program in 1993. They were approved Dec. 30, 1993. Grant proposals are reviewed by a panel of experts and approved hy OHA committees. The review considers relevance to OHA's goa!s and ohjectives, impact on the Hawaiian community, potential for success, technical quality, and qualifications . Requests from for-profit entities are not considered. Project fundingfor the current fiscal year (July 1 , 1994 - June 30, 1995) will consist ofhalfa million dollars plus 15 percent ofthe ineome from OHA investments up to $2.5 million, hringing the possible grant total to $3 million. In this new second round of grants, $6,112,553 was requested; the review panel has made its recommendations and at press time the requests were at the committee stage. For more information ahoul OHA's grants program, eall 594-1964.
Keiki attending Wai'anae Coast Day Care engage in a variety of activities. Photo byJeffClark