Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1994 — Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

This Is What I Will Do As Governor.

I ean think of no reason why anyone should be on a waiting list for a homestead for over a lifetime. Beginning with the Territory of Hawaii and continuing with the State of Hawaii, only 5,000 homes have been built in the Hawaiian Homes program — and that was under both Republican and Democratic Administrations. 5,000 homes in 73 years — an average of 6 homes a month! A shameful record! As your next governor, I will build at least 5,000 Hawaiian homes in my first term. We have the lanāl We have the resources! We have the will to get the job āone! AND THAT'SA PROMISE! No one knows better than I, after 22 years as the Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu, the frustration of state bureaucrats making decisions for Honolulu's citizens. As govemor, I promise not to let that happen to Maui, Kauai and Hawaii Counties. I have always believed that eaeh county should have the authority to determine its own destiny. My administration will continue to ehampion home rule by working with eaeh county's mayor and the legislature to make this a reality. I believe that the people, through their elected mayor and eouneil, should determinefor themselves where, when and how mueh growth and development they want. Asyour nextgovemor, every island will be treated fairly and with equality. AND THAT'SA PROMISE! The present system just isn't working. I think this No-Fault Automobile Insurance has been kicked around enough! It's timefor action! Asyour nextgovemor, I will work to resolve the No-FaultAutomobile Insurance problem onee andfor all! I believe the answer is a "Pay-At-The-Pump"Automobile Insurance program whieh should cost an average of$500 a year instead ofsky-high no-fault rates. AND THAT'S A PROMISE!

This is one of the most difficult and complex subjects facing the next administration because it is emotional, cultural and will affect all of our people. It is important to realize that the ultimate decisions regarding sovereignty will be made by thefederal govemment — but not before Hawaiians have decided by referendum on whatform sovereignty will take. I am sympathetic to the cause ofsovereignty and I am committed to working with all those involved to eome up with a practical and reasonable solution that Hawaiians as well as non-Hawaiians ean live with. Danny Kaleikini will be a big help on this issue. AND THAT'SA PROMISE! The State has debated revisions and adjustments to the Home Owners Insurance problem for far too long. I'm tired of the laek of action on this very important issue whieh affects all of us. As your next governor, I will see that Home Owners Insurance will return close to pre-Iniki rates and onee more become reasonable, affordable, and provide the peaee ofmind and protection ofyour most precious possession as it was intended to do. All homes will be covered, including those near our volcanos. AND THAT'SA PROMISE! I ean not believe what our state is doing to business. Worker's Compensation Insurance costs have skyrocketed and there is no end in sight. Unless, ofcourse , you electFrank Fasi. Business is the backbone ofourstate economyand it doesn't need added costs like this! The legislature has had enough time to reform the system butdoesn't seem to care. Small businesses are leaving the state. As they leave orgo bankmpt, jobs go with them. Asyour nextgovemor, I will introduce a bill to reform Hawaii's Worker's Compensation law based on the committee report ofBusiness and Labor. I will get the job done! AND THAT'SA PROMISE!

Paid for by Friends For Fasi, Dr. Howard T. Fujino and Dan Kihano Co-Chairs, 100 North Beretania Street, Suite 203, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817, Ph 521-1031