Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 9, 1 September 1994 — Health events for women [ARTICLE]

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Health events for women

This month more than 150 events will be held statewide to focus public attention on women's health. They are sponsored by the Hawai'i State Commission on the Status of Women, with the cooperation of many community health organizations. From Llhu'e to Hilo, the events include tfee heakh screening fairs, speakers, demonstrations and a women's health eonference. A partial list follows. For a complete calendar of events eheek your loeal newspapers or eall the Hawai'i State Commission on the Status of Women at 587-5757. Recommended: eall loeal listings to verify date, time and plaee. Kaua'i Wilcox Memorial Hospital presents a series of workshops and community forums. For a full schedule or more information eall 245-1179. • Better heahh for Kaua'i's women, community forum, Sept. 16, 7-8:30 p.m. Call 245-1177. • Health needs of women as they age, workshop, Sept. 20, 7-8 p.m. Call 245-1179. • Women's health fair, Sept. 23, 1-4 p.m., at Dynasty Court,

Llhu'e, eall 241-3427 • Prenatal nutrition for healthy babies, workshop Sept. 24, 10 a.m-12 noon. Call 742-8885. • Helping teens make better heakh choices, workshop Sept. 29, 7-9 p.m. O'ahu (selected events; for full schedule eaU 587-5757) • Windward Mall Heakh Fair, sponsored by Castle Medical Center, Sept. 10, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. featuring demonstrations of aerobics, children's gymnastics, selfdefense. rope jumping, hearthealthy cooking and information booths. Free. Call 235-8737. • Parenting in the '90s workshop, Sept. 10, 10 a.m.-12 noon Thomas Sq. Center, 846 S. Hotel St., 2nd floor. Whether you're a single parent or married, gain new ideas on better parenting. Call 522-4479. • Fitness — Do it Right! workshop Sept. 10 11 a.m. -12:30 p.m. at HMSA Center. 818 Ke'eaumoku St. (Repeats Sept. 14). Learn to begin and maintain your own exercise program. Free to HMSA members. Call 944-2398. • Managing the stress of work and family life, workshop Sept. 13, 68 p.m. at HMSA Center. 818

Ke'eaumoku St. (Repeats Sept. 20). Leam how to balance work and family demands with personal time. Call 944-2398. • Low-fat eating the Pyramid way, workshop Sept. 14, 7:30-9 p.m. Learn to plan meals following the food guide pyramid, to identify sources of dietary fat and to develop strategies for shopping, cooking and dining. Held in HMSA Center, 818 Ke'eaumoku St. (Repeats Sept. 17). Call 9442398. • Kūhiō Park Terrace heakh fair and celebration, Sept. 28, featuring heakh activities for women and families, food, games, demonstrations, heakh information and entertainment. Call 8416177 for details. Maui • A Healthy Pregnancy/Baby, workshop, Sept. 8, 12 noon, sponsored by Mālama Makua Keiki at Cameron Center auditorium, Kahului. Call 877-7117. • Heakh issues for the women of Hāna, free panel discussion at Hāna Community Center on breast cancer, pap smears, menopause, HIV/AIDS and more. Call 248-7801. Moloka'i • Drugs, Aleohol and Pregnancy, information and discussion group

at Hale Ho'okupa'a, Sept. 13, 4:30-6 p.m. Call 553-3231. • Breaking the cycle of violence, community forum Sept. 27, 4:306:30 p.m. Speakers on physical, verbal, emotional abuse and cycle of violence toward women. Call 553-3202. Lāna'i • Heakh and Women, community forum sponsored by Dept. of Heakh, Sept. 7 at Senior Citizen's Center, Lāna'i City. Call 5656424. Hawai'i • Thursdays in September: free blood pressure and hemoglobin heakh screenings for women at

the Hāmākua Heahh Center, 9 a.m- 5 p.m. Call 775-7204 for information. • Women's heakh fair, Sept. 10, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Kaiko'o Mall, information services for women and their families. Call 933-241 1. • Understanding fetal aleohol syndrome, Sept. 22 at Hilo Hawaiian Hotel, Sept. 23 at Royal Waikoloan, Kona. Co-sponsored by Hui Mālama Nā 'Oiwi and other community groups. Call 969-9220. Registration required. • Fitness and body image, Sept. 28, 6:30-8 p.m., at UH-Hilo eampus center. Workshop on fitness and body image. Call 969-6664.