Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 6, 1 June 1994 — Wrap-up [ARTICLE]

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Hawai'i State r 94 ' i Legislature §

Sovereignty commission: big thrust is education before '95 plebiscite With passage of House Bill 3630, the Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory Commission becomes, starting July 1, the Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council. The name change reflects its evolution from an advisory body to an implementing agency. Its responsibilities will be to: conduct Hawaiian sovereignty and voter education and registration: to plan and conduct a plebiscite of Hawaiian voters (probably in November 1995); to provide for an apportionment plan for the eleetion of delegates to a Hawaiian convention on establishing a form of sovereignty; to establish the eligibility of convention delegates; to

carry out the responsibilities necessary for the eleeūon of and convening of delegates; and to establish task forces and committees necessary to assist the Council in its work. After Aug. 31, 1994, no member of the Council will be able to run in any election. Any vacancies on the Council will be filled by the Govemor from a list of nominees submitted by the Council. The Legislature has provided a $1.8 million appropriation for the 1994-95 fiscal year, half to eome from state general funds and half to eome from OHA trust funds. OHA's Board of Trustees is reviewing the council's proposed budget before it decides on approving OHA's matching portion. For administrative purposes, the Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council will be under the state Department of Accounting and General Services.

Bills passed by the 1994 Legislature

Senate Bills S.B. 2261. Relating to OHA bonds. Authorizes OHA to issue revenue bonds secured by monies received by OHA from its 20 percent share of revenue from the public land trust.

S.B. 2261. Relating to Kaho'olawe. Creates a trust fund for receipt of federal funds designated by Congress for the rehabilitation of Kaho'olawe; appropriates funds for the operation of the Kaho'olawe Island Reserve Commission; and appropriates funds to complete negotiations on a memorandum of understanding

with the United States Navy. S.B. 3068. Relating to subsistence fishing. Designates native Hawaiian fishing areas and establishes administrative rules for the purposes of reaffirming and protecting all rights customarily and traditionally exercised for subsistence, eultural and religious purposes.

House Bills H.B. 2780. Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Supplemental Budget. In order to maintain the level of progress OHA has made over the

past years, supplemental funds are required. (See story page 1.) H.B. 3106. Relating to Mt. Olomana. Provides that the D1NR may exchange for the privately owned land designated in Act 4-2-05:01 for the preservation of Mt. Olomana as a historic landmark, providing the exchange would reduce the combined land holdings of the ceded land trust.

H.B. 3155 Relating to the policy of DHHL regarding the death of a lessee. Authorizes homestead lessees to designate, in addition to spouse and children, a grandchild who is at least 25 percent Hawaiian as a successor to the lease.