Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 6, 1 Iune 1994 — ʻOhana Reunions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
ʻOhana Reunions
/\.v a service to our readers, Ka Wai Ola O OHA publishes , at no cha'rge, announcements of upcoming 'ohana reunions. Submissions should be typed or legibly printed and include only the basic information, such as date, time, location, events planned, contact person(s), and phone number(s). Due to space considerations we ean generally print notices only onee. Submissions should be received by the 8th day of the month preceding the issue in whieh the notice will appear. Mokuiki / Haaheo The Mokuiki / Haaheo 'ohana will meet for a pot luek at Kahana Valley State Park's coconut grove from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on July 2.
Reminder: family members who haven't turned in their genealogy sheets should do so. For more information, eall Kekela Miller at 237-8858 (work) 293-8431 (home) or Harry Kanahele Au at 293-7732.
Kahoano The descendants of Mary Malia Kalama Kahoano are holding their first 'ohana reunion July 8-9 at Kualoa Beach Park on O'ahu. Activities will include genealogy, crafts, games, and a talent show. Family members will be camping July 7-10. All family members are encouraged to attend and to bring musical instruments and any old photos of the 'ohana. For more information, eall Helene K. Wong at 842-4710, Guy Paikai at
677-0517, or Suzette Hanohano at 681-4424. Cockett The Cockett 'ohana reunion is scheduled for July 15 - 17 on O'ahu. There will be an aloha reception on Friday, a lū'au on Saturday, and a Chinese brunch on Sunday. For more information, eall 944-2750, 949-8114, or 4555204. Kaukaliu Sylvia Meyers Tuinei is looking for family members descended from Samuel H. and Rose Kaukaliu. Please contact Tuinei at 969-7080 or 430 Hilina'i St.. Hilo. HI 96720.