Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 6, 1 Iune 1994 — Taro film takes you "Back to the Roots" [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Taro film takes you "Back to the Roots"

Taro, the traditional staple food of the Hawaiian culture, and the people of five islands who are committed to cultivating and peipetuating this sacred plant, are the topics of a new made-for-television documentary produced and recently aired in Hawai'i. "Back to the Roots" features interviews with over 30 taro growers and poi-makers, documenting their love for and commitment to kalo and to the way of life it represents. The video was produced by Victoria

Keith, who has produced independent documentaries since 1976, and Dana Naone Hall, a Maui poet, writer and community organizer. It aired on KHET on May 25. Copies of "Back to the Roots" may be obtained from Victoria Keith Productions at P.O. Box 68145, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96839 as follows: orders from individuals $30 eaeh. Orders from organizations or instimtions $50. Tapes are 58 minutes on VHS. Price includes packaging, handling, postage and tax. To order by FAX: (808) 262-5879.

Members of the "Back to the Roots" production team together with taro farmer Sam Moek Chew (center). From left to right: Sonny Ahuna, Victoria Keith, Moek Chew, Dana Naone Hall, Nalani Mattox-George.