Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 6, 1 June 1994 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Business
Na kuleana a ka Pava Kahu waiwai
by Ellen Blomquist Public Information OfRcer
The OHA Board convened at 10:05 a.m. Thursday, April 28, 1994 for their regular business meeting. All members were present except for Trustee A. Frenchy DeSoto who was excused. After opening the meeting, Chairman Clayton Hee asked Trustee Keale for the pule wehe before proceeding to approval of the agenda, the minutes, and the chairman's and administrator"s reports. The agenda was approved 6 to 1 , Akana dissenting, after discussion of her request to move into executive session to discuss personnel matters. The chairman denied the request, saying legal counsel advised against it. The report from the chairman was approved by all board members present, as was the report from the administrator. The chairman notified the board of a special board meeting to be held Wednesday, May 4, to formally discuss the civil suit, Kealoha v. Hee. He also offered to individually apprise trustees absent from the Entitlements Committee meeting of the previous day of the discussions that occurred there, noting that the confidential nature of the negotiations prohibited puhlie disclosure.
Items discussed during the administrator's presentation included a review of workman's compensation presently being paid by OHA, the status of trustee aides (employees vs. independent eontractors), and the committee formulated to develop the Hawaiian Master Plan. There was some talk about the importance of OHA maintaining its role as lead agency in this project. Land and Sovereignty. HSAC Report. Trustee Kīna'u Bovd Kamali'i briefed her fellow trustees on the Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory Committee meeting held the previous night. Of most eoneem was the status of legislation pending whieh would determine if the commission would remain advisory or heeome autonomous. Also under discussion was the manner of filling vacancies on the commission and a proposal from ihe legislators to create a legislative advisory committee to HSAC. Kuleana Escheat. OHA's board agreed (8-0) to disclaim interest in two kuleana escheat cases because there were Hawaiian heirs and thus no need for OHA to intervene. LORAN License. After some discussion of liability issues, the board approved (8-0) execution of a license agreement with the U.S. Coast Guard lo lea.se 'Upolu Point and appropriated $10.000 from the Native Rights Fund for planning a Hawaiian educational and cultural center at the Big Island site.
Bellows Air Force Base. The board approved (8-0) several proposed actions to be taken to prevent the military from not releasing Bellows (ceded land) back to the state. These were to write the Secretary of Defense to protest the military's action, whieh is counter to the language of the Admission Act; to submit testimony to the military's scoping hearings - noting that it was important for OHA to publicly protest despite the fact the hearings were illegal; and to request a Congressional hearing on the proposed use and retum of Bellows. NHLC Emergency Funding. The board approved $147,000 in trust funds to make up a budget shortfall claimed by the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation. According to NHLC, without the funds, it would be forced to cease operations as early as Mav 1. TTtese monies will be used to cover NHLC expenses through June. NHLC will also be submitting a detailed budget of what it will cost to lift the moratorium it currently has on quiet title cases.
Announcements/Other Business The board members present unanimously approved a resolution commending Haunani Apoliona, President and CEO of Alu Like ine., for her contributions to the community and her recent receipt of the Ō'ō award presented her by the Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce. Trustee Kamali'i announced a meeting to follow of the eommittee chairs who would be holding a joint committee meeting at Kohala High School May 13. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for the island of Hawai'i at Honoka'a on June 7. The subsequent meeting will be held on Maui.