Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 6, 1 June 1994 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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but the struggleforjustice continues. Another major step in redressing the harms of more than a century ago eame in the U.S. apology to the Native Hawaiian people. In this apology resolution, the U.S. formally recognized its illegal involvement in the overthrow. But many more steps will be needed before justice truly is done. That's why, as Native Hawaiians and Americans, we need your help and support. The determination and basic goodness to achievejustice is embodied in theAmerican spirit and the Aloha spirit. By working together,for eaeh other, andfor justice, we will prevail.



OHA has produced two distinctive T-shirts supporting the Hawaiian struggle for justice. All proceeds from T-shirt sales go to OHA Native Hawaiian Rights Fund to promote education, research and legal aehon to assure Hawaiian rights and support the struggle for justice. Kupono T-Shirt (at right, above) is aqua-colored with purple, gold and white silk-screen imprinting; "Kupono" and 'Io on front, "Justice" on back. Premiumquality Beefy Tee, with color-fast silk screening. 'Onipa'a T-Shirt (at left, above) is bright red with white and blue silk screening on front. Image shows Hawaiian national flag (slightly longer than state flag). Premium-quality Beefy Tee with color-fast silk screening.

Yes! I waiii to lielp the Struggle for juslice! Please send me: 6-94 Kupono T-Shirt (with 'Io) lndicate number of T-Shirts in eaeh size. Sm Med Lge XL XXL XXXL 'Onipa'a T-Shirt (with flag) Indicate number of T-Shirts in eaeh size. Sm Med Lge XL XXL XXXL Price is $16 for eaeh T-Shirt or two for $30. Add $2 handling charge for eaeh order. President Cleveland's Message to Congress ($1 per copy - i ndicate number of copies desired) United States Apology to Native Hawaii ($1 per copy - i ndicate number of copies desired) Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) ($1 per copv - indicate number of copies desired) Name Address ZIP Daytime phone Enclosed is my eheek for $ Make checks payable to: Native Hawaiian Rights Fund.