Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 6, 1 Iune 1994 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BPo1 "oi Poi Systems Countertop Poi & Kulolo Processing Call: O'ahu 293-1721 Kauai 822-7583 HawaH 776-1655
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"^^DaāeMusicf^^ Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Masters Series on Dancing Cat Records «... [a] must-buy for anyone interested in slac k key. The masters give exquisite performances .*» i - John Berger, Honolulu Star Bulletin
Ray Kāne - Punahele • Widely regarded as the ambassador of slack key guitar, Ray embodies the essence of traditional Hawaiian \ music. This solo album showcases his sweet, soulful ^mmmuiiin guitar and deep, expressive vocals. ' 1 '"1 %&ZSW Sonny Chillingworth - Sonny Solo A poignant and compelling portrait of one of : )r^w«— i Hawai'i's most influential slack key guitarists. Sonny's legendary acoustic guitar and rich Jy. Jrc- > y DanonR romantic vocals overflow with lsland spirit and 0% JH&1\ fthe music of the paniolo (Hawaiian cowboy). ijiWiyi&.22 . Now available at finer music stores everywhere. DANCING CAT For phone orders eall SOUND DELIVERY 1-800-888-8574 RECORDS