Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 5, 1 Mei 1994 — Ka nūhou mai Alu Like [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Ka nūhou mai Alu Like
Nezvs from Alu Like
(presented by Ka Wai Ola O OHA and Alu Like as a public service)
Nānākuli student wins computer training scholarship
Leah Ka'ulula'au, a 20 yearold from Nānākuli, has won a $5,000 Bank of Hawai'i scholarship to attend Alu Like's Hawai'i Computer Training Center. Ka'ulula'au grew up in Hale'iwa and spent her teen-age years in California where she attended San Joaquin Delta College. After completing six units of her liberal arts classes she decided to enter computer school but could not afford the tuition. She then applied for the scholarship. The Bankoh scholarship is intended to fund one native Hawaiian student, plus help with expenses, for the Computer Training Program's 15-week course in Office Technology. The course includes personal computer operations, business English, business math, office procedures
and keyboarding. The scholarship also includes a one-week paid internship at the bank and a guaranteed job interview. Says Ka'ulula'au, "My goal is
to complete this training program at HI-CTC. Upon completion I would like to obtain a full-time position at a well-established institution."
Business classes for Honolulu and Hilo
ln May and June ihe Alu Like Entrepreneurship Training Program. a program designed to help Hawaiians start their own businesses, will conduct courses in Honolulu and Hilo. The courses are an overview of general business concepts for both potential and existing business owners. Having completed the business training and written a business plan, many graduates are then able to apply for business loans with OHA's Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund and other ftnancial institutions. The Honolulu course starts on Tuesday. May 24 and will be held at 1 120 Maunakea St. from 6-8 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings for seven weeks. Space is limited. Call 524-1225 for further information and applications. The Hilo course starts on Saturday, June 18 and will run for six consecutive Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. For information and applications eall Dave Brown at 961-2625. . : . ... ' : ■::. : ■■ >•: . ' '■ ',■" _ _____ „ __________________________________________________
Leah Ka'ulala'au ( secortd from right) receives scholarship from Aiu Like and Bankoh administrators. From left to right: Jim Massey, Bankoh Sr. V.P. lnformation Management; Haunani Apoliona, Alu Like President CEO; Diane Halpin, Computer Training program director; Larry Johnson, Bankoh president.