Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 5, 1 May 1994 — Overseas hula festival organizers honored [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Overseas hula festival organizers honored
by Deborah L. Ward As the native dance of Hawai'i, hula has spread the powerful spirit of aloha and Hawaiian culture worldwide. While hula festivals have long been popular among the people of Hawai'i, their popularity is growing in other states and even foreign countries, where they are presented by loeal hula instructors and their students. Last month, just preceding the start of
the Merrie Monarch Hula Festival in Hilo, a ceremony was held in Honolulu to recognize seven hula festival organizers outside Hawai'i for their contributions to the perpetuation, preservation and sharing of Hawaiian cultural values through language, chant, music, dance, and arts and crafts. Proclamations of recognition on Hula Festival Founders Day, April 15, were presented on behalf of the Hawai'i
Congressional delegation, Gov. John Waihe'e, the Hawai'i Legislature, Mayor Frank F. Fasi, and the State Foundation on Culture and Arts to: • Iā 'Oe E Ka Lā Hula Festival (Pleasanton, California), founder Ehulani Enoka Lum (dec.) and festival chairman Gordon A. Lum. Now in its 14th year, and the oldest of hula festivals outside Hawai'i, it is presented by the Northern California Kumu Hula Association, and draws hālau from
Califomia, Hawai'i, other states, Japan and Mexico. • Ka Lā Hula Ho'okūkū (Las Vegas, Nevada), founders Wayne Kaho'onei Panoke and Dana Aleka White. This annual festival, presented by Hula Hālau O Kaho'onei, is now in its 10th year. It is a five-day event whieh includes two days of hula, one day of Tahitian dance, two days of critique sessions, and a lū'au. • Japan's Grand Hula Festival (Tokyo, Japan), founder Masahiko Mokihana Honma and Hula Festival of Tokyo, founder Miehiko Maile Honma. Now going into their 8th and 7th years respectively, they are hosted by Hula Hālau O Maile and the All Japan Hula Association, sponsored by the Japan Hawaiian Music Association and promoted by Honma Productions, ine. They feature hula performances and music performances by guest artists from Hawai'i. From 1990 through 1993 Hula Hālau O Maile has participated in the Aloha Week Ho'olaule'a.
• The Joseph Kamoha'i Kaha'ulelio Chant and Hula Festival (Sacramento, California), founders Naomi Leina'ala Kalama Logan, Linda Pi'ilani Danek, Gerry Lehuanani Stasko, and Natalie Leina'ala Vargo (dec.). Now in its seventh year, it is presented by the Organization of Native Islanders of the Pacific, Allianee and Affairs ('ONIPA'A). Hālau from the
continental U.S. and Hawai'i compete. As with most other non-Hawai'i festivals, judges are brought in from Hawai'i. • Hawaiian Hula Festival of Seabrook, Texas, founder Joyce Roe Flaugher. Now in its fifth year, its motto is "Sharing the Spirit of Aloha."It is planned by the Pua Mana Dancers, directed by Joyce Flaugher. It started with 50 participants and last year there were 150. Dancers from cities in Texas participate. The festival has also sponsored workshops with kumu hula from Hawai'i.
• Mexico's Hula Festival - Seminario Annual (Mexico City, Mexico), founder Ana Maria Lopez-Serrano. Marking its fourth year in 1994, it is presented by Ka Leo O Nā Hula, a hula teachers-' association. Participants include hālau from different states in Mexico. Kumu hula from Hawai'i eome to evaluate the festival and to conduct hula workshops. The recognition ceremony of the festival organizers was organized by Earl Pamai Tenn, a longtime hula supporter and founder of the Ka 'Ohana Aloha Association for Tourism, a tour guide association. Hawai'i hula festival organizers including George Naope, Keahi Allen, Paulie Jennings and others also attended the event and were recognized for their work as well.
Hula festival founders and their supporters (left to right): Cesar Santome, Patty Constanzo and Anita Serrano-Lopez of Mexico; Miehiko Honma (Japan); Nani Castro (representing her son Wayne Panoke of Las Vegas); Masahiko Honma (Japan). Photo courtesy of Earl Pamai Tenn