Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 5, 1 Mei 1994 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Business
Na kuleana a ka Papa Kahu waiwai
by Ellen Blomquist u Public Information Officer The Board of Trustees held its regular business meeting Wednesday, Mar. 30. at the board room of OHA's Honolulu office. Chairman
Uayton Hee called the meeting to order at 1 1:10 a.m. and Trustee Moses K. Keale Sr. offered the pule wehe. The agenda was unanimously approved as amended, with several items recommitted for further review and discussion at the committee level. The minutes and the reports from the ehaiiman and administrator were also approved unanimously after questions and discussions pertaining to the history of the bill proposing to give OHA the authority to issue bonds; a suit filed by Fujiyama, Duffy and Fujiyama to recover outstanding entitlements; entitlements for Hawaiians of less than 50 percent blood quantum; the tax implications of treating trustee aides as independent contractors; a request from DHHL for a staff assistant; and a proposed expansion of OHA offices to the fourth floor of 71 1 Kapi'olani. Budget, Finance & Policy
The board approved (8-1, Keale dissenting) $10,160 in special funds for 12 scholarships for native Hawaiians to attend the Western Museums Association Conference with the provisos that there be 1) no restriction by island residency, 2) that Hui Mālama I Nā Kūpuna and the island burial councils be represented, and 3) that scholarship recipients be approved by the members of the Budget, Finance and Policy and Education and Culture committees. The board also approved (8-1, Keale dissenting) an appropriation of $10,000 in special funds to repair mākai walls at the Loko Kuamaka Fishpond, Hāna, Maui. Trustee Keale questioned the appropriateness of using special funds for these requests after the board had appropriated a lump sum for a grants program. Education & Culture The board considered an aeūon item to endow the Education Foundation. Five members approved amended language whieh kept the $10 million in trust funds intact, but allocated interest ineome to the Education Foundation, whieh would be notified of the amount available to them annually and whieh could withdraw funds from the interest ineome with three months' prior notice to OHA's Board of Trustees. Trustees Akana, Kamali'i, Kanahele, and Keale voted against the amendment, preferring the original language whieh gave the Foundation more discretion over the funds. The amended action item was then voted down by Akana, Kamali'i, Kanahele, Keale and Kealoha. After a brief recess, Trustee Kealoha asked to reconsider the motion and the amended action item on the endowment passed, 5 - 4, Akana, Kamali'i, Kanahele and Keale dissenting. Planning, Eeonomie Development and Housing The board approved requests for proposals to evaluate the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund, management and technical assistance provided to the loan fund, and the Keaukaka-Waiākea self-help housing project. The items were approved 6-0, with Trustees Akana, Kanahele and Kamali'i having excused themselves from the meeting.
Health and Human Services The board approved 6-0 a request for proposals to evaluate Alu Like programs funded by OHA. Legislative Review As chair of the Legislative Review Committee, Trustee A. Frenchy DeSoto distributed a report on the status of bills being tracked by OHA. Announcements Minutes of the community meetings held on Lāna'i and Moloka'i were distributed. OHA's Planning Officer, Christine Valles, distributed a report on the current status of the donations program. Trustee DeSoto briefed the board on the Kaho'olawe Island Reserve Commission, noting that the U.S. Navy is scheduled to transmit Kaho'olawe by deed to the state May 7. The session was then adjourned and the next regular meeting is scheduled for April 28 at 10 a.m. Editor's note: the Board of Trustees have tentatively scheduled community meetings Thursday, May 26 in Hilo, Ka'ū, Waimea and Kona. The business meeting ofthe board is tentatively scheduled on Friday, May 27 at 10 a.m. in Honoka'a.