Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 5, 1 Mei 1994 — New books on aliʻi are for ʻōpio and mākua too [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

New books on aliʻi are for ʻōpio and mākua too

Modern Hawaiians who want to know and understand the lives of our ali'i — their joys, hardships and the challenging times in whieh they lived -

— will find informa tion and inspiration in a new series of paperback biogra- J phies recently pub- 1 lished by I Kamehameha 1 Schools/Bishop Estate. The books are

now available at loeal bookstores or via the Kamehameha Schools store. The lives of King Kamehameha the Great, King Lunalilo, Queen Lili'uokalani and Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop

are told in simple, easy-to read style, through interesting aneedotes and personal accounts. While the biographies do not contain exhaustive detail,

hey offer mueh information on where the ali'i were born, how I they were raised and 1 educated, and how 1 they matured as I leaders of the Hawaiian people. For those who wish to

read further, a bibliography is provided. 01d photographs or pen and ink drawings by Robin Burningham show Kamehameha, Lunalilo, Lili'uokalani and Pauahi at the different

stages of their hves. Along with the text, these images help us to see the person within and to consider how they may have thought and felt. While the biographies present a basically positive image, they aeknowledge the weaknesses and tragedies of the ali'i as well, with sensitivity and understanding. Other excellent features of the books are the ali'i genealogies, as well as mele inoa (name chants), samples of their musieal compositions, and many photographs of other persons, events and places in their lives. These books will make for interesting reading and a family or school reference to keep and share. Hopefully other biographies of Hawai'i's ali'i will follow. "Kamehameha the Great" and "Princess Bernice Pauahi

Bishop" were written by Julie Stewart Williams. "Lili'uokalani" was written by Ruby Lowe. "Lunalilo" was written by Peter Galuteria. The authors

are teachers of the Kamehameha Schools Intermediate Reading Program and were originally written or 7th grade social studies classes. The

books retail for $7.95 eaeh and are available at loeal bookstores or at the Kamehameha Schools store. Call 841-8881 for more information.