Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 5, 1 Mei 1994 — OHA gives out $50,000 in scholarships [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA gives out $50,000 in scholarships
This year, 54 college students received scholarships from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. The program is administered by the financial aid office at Kamehameha Schools, whieh acts as a clearinghouse for a number of financial aid resources. To apply for an OHA scholrship, students should submit the standard Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate financial aid application, and write "OHA" in the supper right-hand corner. Applications are availabe through OHA's neighbor island offices or by calling the OHA education division at 594-1912. Additional scholarship recipients will be featured in next month's issue of Ka Wai Ola O OHA.
Beth S. Coffey Univ. of Washinton psychology
David James Dods Univ. of Colorado business
Brian A. Kealoha Gonzaga Univ. marketing / economics
Kealanalani R. Rlchards Stanford human biology
Lehua Lorelei Anne Woo UH-Mānoa secondary education
Lu'ukia Padilla Maui Comm. Coll. biology
Andrea C. Wai'ale'ale Moloka'i Comm. Coll. elementary education
Sheri-Ann L.T. Naganuma UH-Mānoa electrical engineering
Kaaihaole Cobb-Adams Notre-Dame engineering
Kristine L.K. Ming Yale psychology / music
Katrina-Ann R.K. Oliveira UH-Mānoa Hawaiian language/studies
Lawrence Frank, Jr. Whitworth College special education
Daniei Kaaialii UH-Mānoa liberal arts
Kekoa Kaluhiokalani BYU-Provo English
Lisa Notley Univ. of Caiifornia English
Weston Yap UH-Mānoa Asian studies / journalism
Cy Cortez Seattle Univ. undeclared
Davelyne K. Keala BYU-Provo psychology
Miehael Ipo Chow UCLA anthropology
Christie M.J.L. Cooksey Univ. of Georgia biochemistry / French
Naluahi B. Kaahaaina Stanford undeclared
Allison N. Aluli Univ. of Portland communications
Toni Mahinaku Ferge Saddleback College nursing
Stephanie Wong Univ. of California sociology