Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 5, 1 May 1994 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
itvhertiage Series Bank of Hawaii is happy to sponsor the Heritage Series, an exploration of the rich ā a cultural heritage of Hawaii and its people. You won't want to miss these exciting programs whieh include such topics as ^ volcanoes, the taro industry, Hawaiian a V/ *|PlP J wK family aumakuas, the popular i beach boys of the old Moana / Hotel and early Radio Days jfuL A in Hawaii. Turie in to the Heritage ^^H Series at 12:30 p.m. on the Sundav every month. ā nH turn your to UMMIWlIHAl kccn 1420 if vou be on wWHHHHHHI V"" HHHp We sincerely hope you like Hl |H ^H 1 V/V these programs. Aloha. \ H jĒ H M Banhof Hawaii \ ^ HAWAU'S BANK HH MEMBER FDIC