Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1994 — OHA update [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA update

Housing workshops OHA's Housing Division has been participating in workshops aimed at refining the draft bill by whieh the federal government would establish Hawaiian housing programs, including loan guarantees. If the bill passes, Hawaiians will be included in federal housing programs that benefit Indians and other Native Americans. (See the front-page story in the January 1994 issue of Ka Wai Ola O OHA.) The workshops have been coordinated by Patricia Zell and staff from the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, whieh is chaired by Hawai'i Sen. Daniel Inouye. lnouye was expected to introduce the bill sometime this spring.

'Aha 'Opio The Education Division is busy preparing for 'Aha 'Opio '94, the youth legislature that allows Hawaiian high school juniors to leam how govemment works. Approximately 60 students draft, lobby for, and pass or kill bills

dealing with a variety of issues affecting Hawaiians as well as the general public. The weeklong program is

couched in Hawaiian culture and values, as transmitted by OHA's kupuna team. The seventh annual conference will be held June 12-18. Kaua'i loan fund courses OHA has scheduled three Apnl courses on Kaua'i to promote its Native Hawaiian Loan Fund and encourage Hawaiian entrepreneurs to start up small businesses as part of the island's efforts to rebuild after Hurricane 'Iniki. Three courses are planned, one eaeh in Anahola and Waimea (April 16), Puhi (April 23), and Hanalei (April 30). The courses will introduce the loan fund and describe services that are available to help start up or expand small businesses. Courses will bring in speakers from various organizations including the Small Business Development Center, the Business Action Center and Alu Like. The courses are being offered in response to the low rate of loan fund projects on Kaua'i largely as a result of Hunieane 'Iniki. For more infomation eall OHA at 5941924. Tutorial proposals request

OHA's Education Division is soliciting requests for proposals for its 8th annual competitive tutorial grants program. Any education institution or nonprofit organization benefitting native Hawaiian children grades K-12 may submit a proposal. The application deadline is June 1. Contact the Education Division at 5941918 or 594-1888. Neighbor islanders ean use the state toll-free number, 1-800-468-4644. followed by the extension (41888).

Hawaiian quilter files suit Poakalani and John Serrao have sued a Japanese company and a number of garment manufacturers for illegally using the pouple's Hawaiian quilt pattems. The dispute began in 1992 when the Serraos found that Trans-Pacific Textiles, a Japan-based fabric design company, had taken the Serraos' designs, used them on their own products and was selling them in department stores statewide. (See Ka Wai Ola, May 1993) The eouple has spent the last year trying to settle with the company with no results. Last month they decided to take the next step and sued the company. OHA has been supporting their legal

efforts with a $30,000 loan. OHA grant writing workshop OHA will be holding a grant writing workshop at Wilcox Memorial Hospital in Līhu'e on Sat. April 9, 1994 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Topics include developing your idea, funding sources, parts of a proposal and organizing a nonprofit. Call OHA's Līhu'e office at 2413390 for more information. Ka Wai Ola now on line Starting last month, regular updates of Ka Wai Ola have been listed on the Kaua'i-based computer bulletin board Hawai'i Online. Computer users who are online and subscribe to the network service ean now access KWO stories and

download files for their own private use. Hawai'i Online provides numerous net-

workmg and information services and ean be reached on Kaua'i at 246-1880 or through the state's FYI bulletin board at 536-7133. First-time users are given two weeks of free service after whieh they are asked to pay an 8-dollar monthly charge.