Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1994 — Bills held in committee [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Bills held in committee

•H.B. 2669. Relating to the OfTice of Hawaiian Affairs. Grants OHA the authority to issue general obligation bonds. •H.B. 2674. Re!ating to OHA trustee salaries. Permits the salaries of OHA trustees to be paid equally by OHA and the state, instead of from OHA revenues only. •H.B. 2799. Relating to retirement benefits for OHA trustees. Gives OHA board members the option to participate in the state employees' retiremenl plan.

•H.B. 3033. Relating to publie lands. Requires an appraisal of publie lands when the Department of Land and Natural Resources disposes of them, to ensure that the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands receives its entitlements. •H.B. 3113. Relating to homestead leases. Provides for arbitration to aid families with 999-year homestead leases to determine their genealogy for purposes of determining leasehold interest. Allows the remaining homestead lessees to buy their lease for a nominal $1. ' . •H.B. 2672. Relating to Hawaiian entitlements.

Provides for the continued service of the court-appointed independent representative after Dec. 1, 1994, and to appropriate funds for that purpose. •H.B. 3452. Reiating to Hawaiiian Home Lands Trust individual claims. Establishes a process under whieh mdividual beneficiaries under the Hawaiian Home Lands trust may resolve claims for actual damages arising out of, or resulting from, breaches of trust. whieh occurred between Aug. 21, 1959, and lune 30, 1989. :: ■ . : •H.B. 3565. Relating to publie lands. Provides for the transfer of title by the governor to all public trust lands held by the Department of Land and Natural Resources in Kahalu'u, Waiāhole, Waikāne, Hakipu'u. Kualoa, Ka'a'awa, Kahana, Punalu'u, Hau'ula, and Lā'ie to DHHL in recompense for lands owed to Hawaiians.

•H.B. 3564. Relating to the 999-year lease info. workshop. Appropriates funds for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to publish informational brochures and conduct workshops for holders of 999-year leases regarding the homestead lease program.