Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1994 — He mau hanana [ARTICLE]
He mau hanana
A calendar of events
February through Feb. 9 "Structured Views," exhibition of oil paintings by Hawaiian artist Lālani Segool, at Queen Emma Gallery, The Queen's Medical Center, 8-4 daily. Call 956-5248. through February 18 Te Whenua Iei La La La, exhibition of art by young people from France, Tahiti, Aotearoa/New Zealand and New Caledonia. Exploring the pattems of identity whieh help shape the lives of children in these eountries, the exhibition is meant as an affirmation of what is unique about living in a special plaee. John A. Burns Hall, East-West Center, University of Hawai'iMānoa. through Feb. 27 Spirit and Symbol: The Japanese New Year, Honolulu Academy of Arts exhibition including ceremonial, religious and decorative artifacts related to Japanese Nev. Year celebrations. Call 532-8701. through Feb. 28 Llopia Body Paint: Contemporary Art from Aboriginal Australia, display of 77 acrylic paintings created by artists in Utopia, an Aboriginal community in the central desert of Australia. The paintings depict stories, traditionally painted on the body for ceremony, representing aspects
from the period of creation, whieh they eall the "Dream Time." 9 a.m. — 5 p.m. daily in Bishop Museum's Hall of Discovery. Admission is included in the museum's general admission fee, $7.95 for adults, $6.95 for kūpuna, keiki 6-17, and military; free for keiki under 6. Call 847-3511. 1, 8, 15, 22 "Kicking the Anger Habit," self-help class enables attendees to discover the real nature of anger and aggressive behavior. Take control by learning to change the automatic thoughts that cause one to rage. 9:30 a.m. - noon on four successive Tuesdays, at the Leeward Heahh Center, 860 Fourth St. in Pearl City. Costs $10. Presented by state Department of Health's Central O'ahu Preventive Education (COPE). Call 6717176 or 456-4224. 3 "Spirituality - Philosophy of Life Through Pono," free leeture by kumu hula and musician Frank Hewett. 7 - 8:30 p.m., Kaumakapili Church, 766 N. King St. Repeats Feb. 10 at Ben Parker Elementary in Kāne'ohe. Part of Kamehameha Schools/ Bishop Estate's continuing series of free Hawaiian culture lectures. Call 842-8279 or 842-8297. 3 Parents (of Teen-Agers) and the Library, class helping parents help their teen-agers make
the best use of time and earn better grades. Use library materials to assist in preparing for standardized tests, selecting a eollege, and finding information about financial aid. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., McCully/Mō'ili'ili Public Library. Meet at parking lot entrance at 6:25 p.m. Cost is $8. Presented by Kapi'olani Community College. Call 7349211. 4, 11, 18 All You Need to Know About PIumbing, class teaching basic repair and maintenance and how to deal with everything from a. leaky faucet to an overflowing toilet. Learn what you ean repair and what needs professional attention. 6-8 p.m., City Mill, 660 N. Nimitz Hwy. (meet in front of store five minutes before class). Cost is $30. Presented by Kapi'olani Community College. Call 734-9211. 4 Journey by Starlight explores voyaging techniques used by early Polynesian and tours Hawaiian skies in a special double feature. 7 p.m., Bishop Museum Planetarium, $3.50. For reservations eall 847-8201. 5 Kaunala trail hike, explore this little-traveled trail in the Pūpūkea area above the North Shore of O'ahu. Moderate four-mile hike lasting five hours. Presented by the Hawai'i Nature Center, $3 for members, $5 for non-members. Reservations required. Call 9550100. 5 An Evening in Maui, Hawaiian music concert featuring Pekelo and The Ho'opi'i Brothers, presented by kumu hula John Kaimikaua and Hālau Hula O Kukuna'okalā. 5:30 p.m., Farrington High School Auditorium. $10 for adults, ehildren's admission available at the door. Call 672-3220. 9 Mysteries of Easter Island, part of Kapi'olani Community College's non-credit lecture series on anthropology and archeology of Hawai'i and the Pacific. With its giant, carved statues and its isolation at the eastern apex of the Polynesian triangle, Easter Island continues to intrigue people from around the world. Archeologist Patrick C. McCoy shares his experiences from years of research and study of one of the marvels of the ancient world in this slide and lecture presentation. Fee. For registration and information, eall 734-921 1.
11 "He'e Nalu," exploration of Hawaiian surfing tales presented by the Honolulu Theatre for Youth, 7:30 p.m. at the Mitchell Pau'ole Community Center on Moloka'i. The play celebrates the stories of goddesses and heroes, and the animals and humans who have ridden the seas of Hawai'i to create these islands, fish the oeean, battle, play, and even flee for their lives. Call 839-9885. 11 "Hawaiian Mele," free lecture by slack-key guitarist Ronald Loo, who studied with such Hawaiian slack-key masters as Sonny Chillingworth and Gabby Pahinui, 10 - 11:30 a.m., Lunalilo Home, 501 Kekāuluohi St. in Honolulu. Part of Kamehameha Schools / Bishop Estate's continuing series of free Hawaiian culture lectures. Call 842-8279 or 842-8297. 18 "Duke Kahanamoku vs. the Surfnappers," leading American playwright Eric Overmyer's whimsical fantasy taking the audience into an imaginative world where Duke helps two young people find the stolen Hawaiian surf, presented by the Honolulu Theatre for Youth at Līhu'e Parish Hall, Kaua'i. $9 for adults, $7.50 for teens, $5 for youth (ages 4-12) and seniors. For reservations and information, eall 839-9885. Repeats at Makawao Union Church, Maui on Feb. 25. 19 Music of the Windward Side, Windward Community College's 16th annual Hawaiian music eoncert, 7:30 p.m. at the Ronald F. Bright Performing Arts Center. Call 235-7433. 19 Super Science Saturday, educational program offering various science-oriented activities for Hawaiian students grades K - 12, 8 a.m. - noon at the University of Hawai'i-Hilo. Presented by Nā Pua No'eau, UH-Hilo's Center for Gifted and Talented Native Hawaiian Children. Application submittal deadline is Feb. 11. Call 933-3678. 19 Ka'ena point hike, Hawai'i Nature Center-led hike along the point from the Mokulē'ia side. Rare plants and coastal ecology will be discussed and whales possibly seen on this 4-mile, 6-hour hike. $3 for members, $5 for nonmembers. Reservations required. Call 955-0100.
22 Traditional Hawaiian 'Opelu Fishing, free lecture by Walter Paulo and Eddie Ka'anana, 6 - 7:30 p.m. at the Hawai'i Maritime Center, Pier 7 in Honolulu. They will share their extensive knowledge of ancient Hawaiians and their affinity for the sea, and will discuss the kapu system, methods of fishing and harvesting, and preserving the catch. Lecture participants are invited to a field trip on Saturday, Feb. 26 from 9—11 a.m. Part of Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate's continuing series of free Hawaiian culture lectures. Call 842-8279 or 842-8297. 23 Archeology and Paleontology of Lisiansky Island, part of Kapi'olani Community College's non-credit lecture series on anthropology and archeology of Hawai'i and the Pacific. Lisiansky is a small Hawaiian island 1,000 miles northwest of O'ahu. Research conducted during 1990 unearthed a weahh of information concerning extinct native birds and early-20th century Japanese seabird-plumage hunting. Alan C. Ziegler, Ph.D. shares the results of his twomonths field trip in this interesting and informative lecture and slide presentation. Fee. For registration and information, eall 7349211. 29 Celebrating Chinese New Year's: Dog Tales, stories honoring the Year of the Dog by storyteller Barbara Wong, 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Room 102, Eckerdt Hall, Windward Community College. Admission $5 adults, $2 children. Call 235-7433. March 9 Flaking Out on the Top of the World: The Mauna Kea Adze Quarry, part of Kapi'olani Community College's non-credit lecture series on anthropology and archeology of Hawai'i and the Pacific. When measured from its base on the sea floor, Mauna Kea is the highest mountain in the world. Just below its summit is the largest adze quarry in the Pacific, whieh was utilized by Hawaiians for centuries. How did Hawaiians work, live, and survive in this cold and hostile environment? Patrick C. McCoy, Ph.D. discusses the quarry in a slide and lecture presentation. Fee. For registration and information, eall 734-921 1.