Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1994 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Public Notice Notice is hereby given to whomever it may eoncern that Cultural Surveys Hawaii, will after 30 days from the last publication of this notice, relocate certain remains, in accordance with the provisions of §338-25.5 Hawaii Revised Statutes and with the requirements of the State Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, Historic Preservation Division, recovered from unmarked graves along Kamehameha Hwy in the ahupua'a of Mākao, Hau'ula, Kaipapa'u, and Laie during installation of the Ha'uula to Lā'ie waterline All persons having an interest in such remains, especially lineal descendants of Kekauonohi (LCA 11216) in the ahupua'a of Makao; lineal descendants of Kamiloili'ili'i (LCA 8313), Kaiwinui (LCA 8340), Kaneumi (LCA 8337), Kaunele (LCA 8411), Koaniani (LCA 8416), and Koekoe (LCA 8591) in the ahupua'a of Hauula; and lineal descendants of Hikiau (LCA 8167) and Hoopalahe (LCA 8171) in the ahupua'a of Kaipapau, are requested to notify Cultural Surveys Hawaii at 733 N. Kalaheo Avenue, Kailua, Hawaii; Telephone (808) 262-9972 within 30 days of the date of this notice. A map showing the location of the burials is located at Cultural Surveys Hawaii.

Public Notice Notice is hereby given that Cultural Surveys Hawaii, County of Kauai's representative, has discovered unmarked burial sites containing human skeletal remains during archaeological monitoring of the installation of the Kapa'a Sewerline, on its lands adjacent to Kuhio Highway in Waipouli 2nd (TMK 4-3-08:5), on Inia St. (TMK 4-5-08), Kukui St. (TMK 4-5-10), Ohia and Ulu Streets (both TMK 4-5-09) in Kapa'a Town, Kawaihau District, Kauai. The State Historic Preservation Division, the County of Kauai and the Kauai/Niihau Islands Burial Council are making arrangements to reinter all those remains determined to be Hawaiian and all unclaimed non-Hawaiian remains to the Kanaele Cemetery. Descendants of Hawaiians who onee lived in Kapa'a, whose ancestors were not buried in a marked cemetery, who wish to be consulted on the matter of reburial should immediately contact Gerald Ida on Kauai at 742-9128 or Hal Hammatt on O'ahu at 262-9972 of Cultural Surveys Hawaii, 733 N. Kalaheo Ave. Kailua, Hawaii 96734, or Mr. Edward Ayau of the State Historic Preservation Division, 33 S. King St. 6th Floor, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, at 587-0017, to present information regarding appropriate treatment of the unmarked humans remains. Individuals responding must be able to adequately demonstrate family connection to the burials o.r,the ahupua'a of Waipouli and Kapa'a.