Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1994 — Dante Carpenter hired as new OHA administrator [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Dante Carpenter hired as new OHA administrator

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served for «eaHy 25 vears pnxessine. irrojects and staff engiueer i» Hilo mā Ka'ū on HawaPi and senior design engmeer for its overs, :;:lll;l;l;; :; ;;;: ■■ 4; 1 !;P: % >1' ■; ; :; .4 ! T5If Mlll li V frora 1969- 1976 and two terms as a st«te senator from 1978-1984. Carpenter then served as Mayor and Ouef Execut«ve Officer of ' ' , ' . .* «eefina frora L United Sta«es Merchant Mmim Ac«dMty i n New York «nd was subsequcnt3v comtra'ssioned an offioer ta fbse U.S. Nava) . ■ :■ ■ ■ .■■■;;..■■■.■■■■■ ; ;■:._ : ■■'_. . . ■ , ■ , ;,:■ '■),■;. ,;ons, Ca::-pvn!ir h;ts ;■ n :-'Ct H' ■■ ■ ■ ■ • ; Um:- rw, -.'nni. . .. .... ,. .. h . Ka'ū Historical Association aod Ka'R Communi.ty Development OouneiL He was also a member ctf one of the early Hawaiian groups st*eking iuMiee fc»r the ovcrthrc»w. the Aboriginal Lands of Hawai'i As.srx'iavioftlALOHA).