Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 1, 1 January 1994 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Business
Na kuleana a ka Papa Kahu waiwai
by Ellen Blomquist Public Information Officer
The regular business meeting of the Board of Trustees was held Monday, November 22 in the board room at OHA's Honolulu Office. The agenda was approved unanimously as amended, with an item relating to the special funds budget deferred. The minutes of the board meeting of November 5 and correspondence reports of the chairman and administrator were also approved unanimously. Community Concerns
Barry G. Raff, director of the Honolulu Medical and Regional Office Center, Department of Veterans Affairs, and his staff expressed their appreciation to OHA for the ho'olauna workshops conducted for VA staff. VA staff presented plaques acknowledging the contributions of Chairman Hee, OHA's kupuna team (Betty Jenkins, Anne Kaapana and Nalehua Knox), Ulu Kanaka'ole Garmon, Rona Rodenhurst, OHA's education officer; Lorraine Godoy, OHA's heahh and human services officer; and Babette Galang, OHA's heahh and human services specialist. In accepting the VA's thanks, Hee noted the enthusiasm of the participants in the ho'olauna workshops he had attended, and acknowledged Aunty Betty Jenkins "and her crew" for an outstanding job. Following Raff s presentation, R-M. Keahi Allen and Eugene Tiwanak, trustees of the Lunalilo
Home, gave a brief overview of the status of Lunalilo Home, particularly noting the quality of care provided the kūpuna residing there, and discussed the 10year strategic plan they were developing, including plans for fundraising in 1994. Budget, Finance and Policy Financial Guidelines. The board unanimously approved a statement of investment objectives for new investment managers, and overall investment objectives and guidelines for OHA. These reflect actions previ-
ously taken by the Board with regard to asset allocation, selection of investment managers based on allocation, contract managers, and delivery of funds. Ka Wai Ola Ad Revenue. The board voted unanimously to allocate $10,000 of Ka Wai Ola ad revenue to defray this year's postage costs for mailing the newspaper, $15,000 to sponsor the televised coverage of the Merrie Monarch, and $33,500 for a partial sponsorship of UH sports coverage on KHNL /KFVE. Mailings. The first reading of an amendment to the OHA bylaws pertaining to trustee mailing privileges was tabled after questions about the guidelines and the definition of terms used in the bylaw amendment. Land and Sovereigntv Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory
Council Report (HSAC). Trustee Kīna'u Boyd Kamali'i, chair of the Land and Sovereignty Committee and OHA's representative on HSAC, reported that the commission will be preparing committee reports this month and will hold public meetings again in January. She said the commission anticipates providing a report to the Legislature by February 28, 1994.
Mākua Resolution. The board unanimously approved a resolution requesting the U.S. Army return Mākua Military Reservation to OHA. Input from the Wai'anae Neighborhood Board and members of the Wai'anae community was used in preparing the resolution, whieh describes the history and archeological significance of Mākua, and the effect of continued military use on the community vis-a-vis the Army's application for a hazardous waste management permit. The resolution calls for the return of the ceded land portion of Mākua (more than 1,000 acres) to OHA and for establishing a mechanism to return to private ownership kuleana lands for whieh there are heirs. Delhert Goo Kuleana Case Settlement. The kuleana escheat law established OHA's interest on behalf of the Hawaiian people in kuleana lands for whieh there are no heirs; later legisIation required that OHA be notified in
any quiet title action pertaining to kuleana parcels. In the quiet title action, Delhert Goo et al. vs. Goo York et al., Civil No. 92-003, Fifth Circuit Court, State of Hawai'i, OHA's board unanimously accepted an offer of $23,000 to settle OHA's interest in a kuleana property located in Kalihiwai, Kaua'i, with the funds to be deposited in the Native Rights Fund.
Paglinawan Resolution. The board approved a resolution expressing deep affection and appreciation to Richard Kekumuikawaiokeola Paglinawan, OHA's administrator, on the occasion of his retirement. Individual board members spoke at length about his patience, compassion, dedication and dignity. The vote was 7-2, Akana and Akaka dissenting. The board held a special meeting Wednesday, Dec. 1 1993 at 10 a.m. in the Honolulu office. Trustees Kamaki Kanahele III and Moses K. Keale Sr. were excused. After the eall to order and approval of the agenda, the board considered three items submitted by the Budget, Finance and Policy Committee. Ke'ehi Lagoon. The members unanimously approved a contract with Mitsunaga & Associates ine. for an amount not to exceed
$41,000 for a feasibility study of the Ke'ehi Lagoon property. The state offered OHA approximately 15 acres of land in Ke'ehi Lagoon without charge, except that OHA would be required to develop the Hawaiian Canoe Center described in the state's Master Plan. The board had previously approved issuance of a Request For Proposals (RFP), to whieh eight bidders responded
and from whieh, Mitsunaga & Associates was selected. The primary reason for conducting the study is to ensure that the site is thoroughly assessed in terms of environmental factors and development potential and costs before OHA accepts the state's offer. OHA Supplemental Budget. The board accepted OHA's supplemental budget request to the Legislature for the fiscal year July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1995, with provisos pertaining to trustee aides, hire of additional continued on page 22
Board business
from page 18 secretaries for the board, and a six-month hire for a legislative assistant. Trust Funds Budget. The board also reviewed a number of items to be funded solely through trust funds. These included providing no more than $3,475 for lobbying expenses (approved); providing $22,946 for salary and fringe benefits for a clerk II position for the government affairs office
(approved); providing $46,220 for salary and fringe benefits for two secretary III and one secretary I positions for the board through the remainder of this fiseal year (approved 6-1, Akana dissenting); and providing $13,911 for salary and fringe benefits to give government affairs a full-time secretary (approved).