Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 1, 1 January 1994 — EDUCATION COMMITTEE [ARTICLE]

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lt is the goal of the Commission to provide as mueh education as possible to ensure that Native Hawaiians are able to make informed decisions about sovereignty. The Commission will be coordinating its education efforts with other Hawaiian organizations so that efforts will not be duplicated and resources ean be more effectively used. Education will include Hawaiian history, models of sovereignty, how sovereignty will affect

Hawaiians and Hawai'i, the voter registration, election, and apportionment processes, and related subjects. The Commission hopes to hold public educational meetings every three months throughout the Hawaiian community until the date of the Plebiscite. Educational information will be presented in various formats (video, lecture, charts and graphs, etc.). All who attend will be weleome to ask questions, express their eoncerns, and share their opinions.