Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1993 — Health career scholarships awarded [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Health career scholarships awarded

Eleven students have received federally-funded scholarships totalling $470,000 to pursue heahh careers through the Native Hawaiian Heahh Scholarship Program administered by the Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate. Ten of the recipients attend the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa. One, Lenora Fabrao, attends UH-Hilo. The students, their disciplines and high schools are: Carinthia Armitage (Master of Social Work), Kamehameha Schools Alean Cook (M.D.), Nānākuli High Lenora Fabrao (Nursing), Lāna'i High Kelli Ann Frank (M.D.), Kamehameha Schools Momi Kaanoi (M.D.), Sacred Hearts Academy Lisa Katahira (Oinieal psychology), McKinley High Mary Ann Kumukahi (Nursing), Farrington High Cashmire Lopez (Nursing),

Kapa'a High Julie Ann 01iveira (Master of Social Work), St. Anthony's High Tammie Smith (Master of Public Heahh), Kamehameha Schools Terry Visperas (Master of Public Heahh), Pearl City High The Native Hawaiian Heahh Scholarships Program provides awards for students to pursue degrees in health-related fields: medicine, nursing, social work, elinieal psychology and public heahh. Funds cover full tuition, yearly allowanee for books and supplies and a monthly stipend. The purpose of the scholarship program is to increase the number of native Hawaiians in heahh professions and to improve heahh services in medically underserved areas in the state of Hawai'i. For information about the scholarship program, funded by the U.S. Public Heahh Service, Department of Health and Human Services), eall 842-8561.