Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 12, 1 December 1993 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA Board Business

Na kuleana a ka Papa Kahu waiwai

by Jeff Clark Assistant Editor

The Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs met on Friday, Nov. 5 in the conferenee room of OHA's Honolulu office. Seven of the nine trustees were present; vice-chair and Maui trustee Abraham Aiona and trustee-at-large Kamaki Kanahele were excused. Because of Aiona's absence, most of the items listed on the agenda under Budget, Finance & Policy (Aiona's committee) were deferred until a later date. Nā 'Ūniki o nā 'Ōiwi o ka Kūpuna Lā'au Lapa'au o Hawai'i The board voted to approve the use of $9,000 in special funds to cover the cost of airfare, meals, and ground transportation for kūpuna lā'au lapa'au and their kāko'o to participate in a healer's conference. The conference, Nā 'Ūniki o nā 'Ōiwi o ka Kūpuna Lā'au Lapa'au o Hawai'i, was to be held Nov. 2628 at Lapakahi Park on the island of Hawai'i. It was being coordinated by Henry A. "Papa" Auwae, president of Kūpuna

Lā'au Lapa'au o Hawai'i. The conference was being co-spon-sored by E Ola Mau, the nonprofit corporation of native Hawaiian health care providers, and the state Office of Hawaiian Heahh. Supporting recommendation to name landscaped area downtown for President Grover Cleveland The board voted to support the state's Grover Cleveland Commemoration Task Force's efforts to recognize President Cleveland for his actions to prevent the annexation of the independent nation of Hawai'i. The board supported the task force's recommendation to the govemor to name the landscaped area next to the Ke'elikōlani Building at Mililani Mall for President Cleveland. The 1991 Legislature passed House Resolution 210, whieh provided for the commemoration of Cleveland by giving his name to a government building, park highway or other major facility on O'ahu. Gov. John Waihe'e

established the task force in 1992 to achieve the intent of the resolution.Ttask force members in addition to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs include representatives of the Department of Transportation, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, the Department of Land and Natural Resources, the Department of Accounting and General Services, and the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. (Editor's note: The task force hopes to fom>ard its recommen - dation to the governor in time for a dedication on March 18, 1994, the 157th anniversary of Cleveland's hirth.) Ke Kukui Mālamalama nominations The board voted to recognize five individuals with the Ke Kukui Mālamalama, OHA's annual award for excellence in Hawaiian education. The names of the awardees were provided to the trustees but were not made public, as the awards were to be presented Dec. 8. Hawaiian Sovereignty

Advisory Contmission report Trustee Kina'u Boyd Kamali'i, OHA's representative on the Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory Commission (HSAC), reported that the commission will be unable to submit its report to the Legislature 20 days prior to the start of the 1994 legislative session. Kamali'i said HSAC is hoping to instead submit its report January 17, 1994. Kamali'i reported that the commission is leaning toward conducting the referendum separate from regular state elections next November but at the same time and locations. This will enable Hawaiians to vote in the sovereignty referendum only if they so desire. If the state's eleetion laws have to be amended to accommodate this plan, the recommended amendments would be included in the HSAC report. The majority of the commissioners are unfamiliar with the legislative process, so HSAC's work is slow going, Kamali'i added. Resolution for outgoing OHA

administrator Richard Paglinawan A motion was made and seconded to pass a resolution "expressing deep affection and appreciation to Richard Kekumuikawaiokeola Paglinawan on the occasion of his retirement." After a recess was called, the motion and second were rescinded. Chairman Hee told Paglinawan that the item would be reintroduced at a later date. Another OHA board meeting was scheduled for Nov. 22, after Ka Wai Ola O OHA went to press. See next issue for a report on what occurred. The next business meeting of the OHA Board of Trustees is scheduled for Dec. 22 at 10 a.m. at OHA's Kapi'olani Blvd. office in Honolulu. Call the Newsline at 586-3732 for meeting schedule updates.