Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1993 — Native Hawaiian Financial Aid Resources [ARTICLE]
Native Hawaiian Financial Aid Resources
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Education Division has prepared a free information brochure on higher education financial aid resources. Section one lists Hawai'i-based resources for native Hawaiians. (Please note that many have residency requirements.) Section two lists resources for Native Americans and minorities. This article presents some information in the brochure. For a complete brochure eall 586-3751. You may write directly to eaeh organization for more information and applications. Please be mindful of the deadlines. Many are in the early spring of eaeh year. Most scholarships are awarded only onee during the school year. Do not be late! OHA Scholarship program On July 1, 1992, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Board of Trustees approved a scholarship program to benefit students who
do not qualify for existing scholarship programs. These students constitute the "gap group." A minimum of 25 students will be recipients of $500 - $1,500 awards. To apply for these funds, please fill out the Kamehameha Schools Post High Financial Aid application. Mark OHA in red on the top righthand corner and mail it directly to: Kamehameha Schools, Department of Financial Aid, Kapālama Heights, 1887 Makuakāne Street, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817. The Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Financial Aid Department will process and review the forms for OHA. Applying to the UH system: Students attending the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa, University of Hawai'i-Hilo, or any UH eommunity college may contact their Office of Student Services,
Financial Aid Office, Minority Student Office, Hawaiian student programs and/or academic eounselors for information on tuition waivers for students of Hawaiian ancestry. Please also ask about other tuition waiver programs available to you. For additional information, eall the OHA Education Division at 586-3751. If you eall from a neighbor island, use the toll-free number (1-800-468-4644), then dial extension 63751. Native Hawaiian Financial Aid Resources IDA M. POPE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Kamehameha Schools Post-High Financial Aid Kapālama Heights 1887 Makuakāne St. Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817 Telephone: (808)842-8216 Contact: Geraldine Johansen Eligibility: must be a resident of Hawai'i; Hawaiian female; scholastic record and health; enrolled as undergraduate and graduate. Deadline: March 1 KA'IULANI HOME FOR GIRLS TRUST SCHOLARSHIP Hawai'i Community Foundation 222 Merchant St., 2nd Floor Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 Telephone: (808) 537- 6333 Contact: Lynn Montague Haff Eligibility: Must be a female Hawai'i resident; preference given to those of Hawaiian ancestry; must be enrolled as an full-time undergraduate or graduate; must demonstrate financial need. Amount: $200-$ 1,800 Deadline: March 1 KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS/BISHOP ESTATE FINANCIAL AID PROGRAMS Department of Financial Aid Kapālama Heights 1887 Makuakāne St. Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817 Telephone: (808)842-8216 Eligibility: must be a Hawai'i resident; attend an accredited two or four year post- high institution as a full-time student. Must be of Hawaiian or part-Hawaiian ancestry. Deadline: March 1 KEPPELER AWARD Financial Aid Offtce University of Hawai'i-Mānoa 2442 Campus Rd. Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822 Telephone: (808) 956-7251 Contact: Financial Aid Services Eligibility: must be a Hawai'i resident, scholastic record; attending or will attend UHMānoa; enrolled as an upperclassman or graduate majoring in Hawaiian studies. Amount: Varies.
Deadline: March 1 MARIE E.SCHLEICHERT ANNUAL COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE SCHOLARSHIP University of Hawai'i-Hilo Hilo, Hawai'i 96720-4091 Telephone: (808)933- 3323 Eligibility: intent to save the land and sea in and around Hawai'i; Native of Hawai'i; accepted to UH-Hilo, College of Agriculture; preference to Hawaiian or Native American;undergraduate; any field of study Amount: varies. Deadline: March 1 NATIVE HAWAIIAN HIGHER EDUCATION PROGRAM Kamehameha Schools Post-High Financial Aid Kapālama Heights 1887 Makuakāne St. Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817 Telephone: (808) 842-8550 Contact: Gail Koki Eligibility: must be a resident of Hawai'i; Hawaiian graduate of a high school (non-Kamehameha); scholastic record; attending loeal post-high school institute (eommunity college, 4 year college); graduate level must commit to serve the native Hawaiian eommunity during/after college. Deadline: March 1 OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS Education Division 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 TeIephone: (808)586- 3751 Eligibility: must be of Hawaiian ancestry; enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited two/fouryear degree program or vocational program in an accredited institution; demonstrate academic potential and progress; and, verify that applicant is not a previous recipient of any post-high finaneial aid program administered by KS/BE. To apply, please eomplete the Kamehameha Schools Post High Financial Aid applieation. Mark OHA in red on the top right hand corner, and mail your completed application to Kamehameha Schools, Department of Financial Aid. Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate will process and review the forms. Amount: varies. Deadline: March 1 THOMAS E. COOK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FOR THE HUMANITIES Financial Aids Coordinator University of Hawai'i-Hilo Hilo, Hawai'i 96720-4091 Telephone: (808)933-3323 Eligibility: must be a Big Island resident; possess a strong academie record majoring in humanities; enrolled as an undergraduate; must be of Hawaiian or partHawaiian ancestry. Amount: $500 scholarship
Deadline: March 1 EMMA K. MOSSM AN SCHOLARSHIP University of Hawai'i-Mānoa 2442 Campus Rd. Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822 Telephone: (808)956-7251 Contact: Annabelle Fong Eligibility: Hawaiian and partHawaiians pursuing a career in agriculture or aquaculture and currently enrolled as an undergraduate. Must be Hawai'i resident, show academic promise; accepted to UH-Mānoa. Amount: $600. Deadline: March 2 BLOSSOM KALAMA EVANS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Hawai'i Community Foundation 222 Merchant St., 2nd Floor Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 Telephone: (808) 537-6333 Contact: Caroline Sharman Eligibility: Hawai'i resident, planning to attend a workshop or class on Hawaiian language, eulture or arts; or majoring in Hawaiian studies or languages at any accredited college/university in Hawai'i; preference to Hawaiian; enrolled as a junior, senior or graduate majoring in Hawaiian studies. Must also demonstrate financial need. Amount: from $400 -$ 1 ,000 Deadline: March 15 PRINCE KŪHIŌ HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB SCHOLARSHIP Kamehameha Schools Post-High Financial Aid Kapālama Heights 1887 Makuakāne St. Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817 Telephone: (808) 842-8216 Contact: Claire Pruet Eligibility: scholastic record; enrolled as an undergraduate and graduate. Amount: varies. Deadline: March 15 NATIVE HAWAIIAN HEALTH SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Department of Financial Aid Kapālama Heights 1887 Makuakāne St. Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817 Telephone: (808) 842-8562 Eligibility: Hawaiian students, Hawai'i residents, enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an accredited Hawai'i or Mainland health profession training program, specifically: -Allopathic/Osteopathic Physician • Physician Assistant • Oinieal Psychologist • Nurse Practitioner, Midwifery, Psychiatry or Public Health/Community • Master of Social Work • Master's degree with a specialty in Health Education, Nutrition, Maternal Child Heahh or Heakh Administration • Dentist • Dental Hygienist.