Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1993 — Video by Hawaiian youth receives fest award; to air on cable access TV [ARTICLE]
Video by Hawaiian youth receives fest award; to air on cable access TV
"'Onipa'a: A View Through Our Eyes," an 18-minute video produced by a team of Hawaiian teen-agers, has been selected by the Hawai'i International Film Festival as part of the Hawai'i Film and Videomakers Section of the 1993 festival. Last January, students from Nānākuli High, Waimānalo Intermediate, Kamehameha Schools and the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa took to the field and shot footage of 'Onipa'a activities commemorating the 100th anniversary of the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. Mueh of the footage was shot on the grounds of 'Iolani Palaee,
incorporating interviews with impassioned Hawaiian youth and capturing the intense atmosphere that enveloped the week's activities.
During the summer that followed, a second group of teens was enlisted for post-production work. From logging video sequences to writing, editing and recording voice-overs, the teens honed more than 28 hours of video to a fīnished product of 18 minutes. Nalani Mattos, an independent videomaker, and her teaching assistants were instrumental in guiding the teens during a three-week training program.
"Giving Hawaiian teens the power to use video cameras to record, in their own backyard, an important historical event, is a revolution in the making," said Heather Giugni, president of Juniroa Productions, whieh played an instrumental role in the training program. "It is through such technology as video cameras and production facilities that our youth ean find the pride and power of their heritage. " "'Onipa'a: A View Through Our Eyes," air Nov. 4 and 1 8 at 7 p.m. on ATTN, Oeeanie Cable ehannel 22 and Chronicle ehannel 8.