Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 11, 1 November 1993 — Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate (KS/BE) and the East-West Center (EWC) offer īellowships for students who are: ♦ U.S. citizens of Hawaiian ancestry I AT|\ ♦ full-time graduate students or junior or | | | C senior undergraduate students enrolled at University of Hawai'i-Mānoa I ' \ ▲ 1 1 fe^ I ♦ in an area of study related to Asia or nAWAI IAIN the Pacific islands ♦ and who demonstrate a strong ORADUATE 8* academicrecord This merit fellowship provides: UNDERCRADUATE ♦ Tuition and fees at UH-Manoa ♦ Housing (some restrictions may apply) ppi LOWSH I PS * Book a||owance ♦ Monthly stipend for meals and FOR THE PACIFIC . (and family if needed) AND ASIA APPUCAT10IM DEADUNE FOR 1994-95 AWARDS IS DECEMBER I, 1993. Please eall June Hirano at 944-7735 or 944-7738 for information and an APPLY NOW! application. The Native Hawaiian Fellowship Program is a collaborative effort by KS/BE anel the EWC to increase the career options f°r Hawaiians interested in the Pacifīc islands and Asia through degree study at the University of Hawaiī-Mānoa.